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*My Chihuahua Puppy Fund*

I would like to have a Chihuahua that is

Hi my name is Jessica.I live in Florida.I am 16-years-old BR>
Good News All ... I got my Puppy ... It is a Female Short Haired Chihuahua ... She looks like the black, fawn and white one on this page :-D ... She is so Cute ... she is going to be so spoild .. I got her toys and a cute cozy bed and blanket ... then when she is one I am going to take her to petsmart and let her pick out whatever she wants :-D ...

Some more information about my home-life

I have two other dogs. I have a German Shepherd*(Bear)* and a Beagle*(Katie)*. Both of them are females. My two dogs are getting older and don't have very long to live. I don't want them to go. They are already showing signs of ageing. I know the chi will take a lot of work and effort. Thanks to GT she told me that it is much like raising a baby. I have taken care of two before. I know they will start to wine at night and you wont know if he/she wants out or if he/she is hungry or he/she just wants to play. That is what makes life so interesting ... just to watch something that you love grow and be happy. I have learned that at a young age, I know. So If you have any advise please tell or anything you would like to say just feel free to e-mail me.

Thank you


Thank you all for Visiting and Taking my Polls and I Am Going to Name Her Chloe :-D ...



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