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Leopards not currently within the pard structure.


Name: Cade Sommers
Age: 25
Species: Wereleopard
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 190 lbs.
Appearance: Cade has dark brown hair that he wears shaggy and long. His eyes are the same chocolate color as his hair. He is well built, but not extremely muscular. A tattoo of a leopard spans the back of his shoulders. He has another tattoo over his heart that reads "Kaylin". Cade's clothes reflect his attitude. His jeans are usually torn and he loves wearing his leather jacket.
Personality: Cade is totally obsessed over Kaylin O'Brian, who he turned into a were-leopard like himself. He is on the borderline of being crazy, because he is a stalker. However, Cade doesn't see anything wrong with his behavior. He thinks he is in love. Cade tends to get jealous easily and can become violent, physically abusing Kaylin.
History: Cade had a bad home life, having a drunk abusive father. He hit the streets at a young age. He became a wereleopard, after being attacked one night. He was extremely intoxicated and high, so he doesn't remember much. Shortly after that, he met Kaylin at a local club. He immediately fell in love and would do anything to have her. At first, he promised her he would stop drinking and using drugs, which he did. Unfortunately, he gave up one obsession for another. Instead of being hooked on substances, he became hooked on Kaylin. Despite this, the relationship was fine for awhile. One night while making love, Cade shifted on top of Kaylin. His claws injured her, causing her to become a wereleopard, too. Cade had changed on purpose, thinking that if he made Kaylin like himself, he would have more control. Unfortunately, his plan backfired. Kaylin suspected that he had shifted on purpose and began distancing herself. Cade retaliated by becoming more abusive, beating her so badly that she was put into the hospital. He never spoke to Kaylin again. She left town shortly after leaving the hospital. Cade has been stalking her ever since, tracking her across country. He has come to New Orleans to confront Kaylin. He wants her back, and he's willing to do anything.
Stregnths: Normal lycanthrope strengths, nothing fancy
Weaknesses: He is insane. Anything can spark his jealous and violent nature.
Weapons: He has brought a silver tipped dagger with him. (Just in case he needs to teach Kaylin a lesson.)