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The Chaos Gate Mapping Project

This project has been made to lead an organized effort into listing and collecting the details of all of the fields accesible in the game of .hack//Infection. The compiled information will be kept in a databse and hooked up to a website once the project is done so that people roleplaying the game without owning it can get realistic fields. It'll also help game owners who want to go to custom built fields. The project is founded by Kiwi and Lyra, assisted by many people who volunteer their time to this lengthy task.

3:34 PM by Kiwi
We have uploaded new pictures (taken by Lyra) for some links that previously lacked images. I corrected some mistakes in the different sections and basically did a lot of cleaning. Also, the purpose of the project is finally written down and there's a new Contact Information section at the bottom. In case you're wondering about the white spots in the pictures, that's glare from Lyra's camera and there are also small red lights reflected from the background. We'll try to bring better pictures soon.
4:06 PM by Kiwi
Yesh! I've written documentation and information into the page to assure our efforts are organized. We now have images for the field types and have weathers. There are also some rules. AND... *Drumroll* ...Mayko has joined us!
1:39 AM by Kiwi
*Drumroll* Oh my god, I've got the site working! Hurray hurray! *Cough* Well, now we've got our own page for the project where we'll post updates on our progress and rules as necessary. Yeah, there are a few things I need to point out because I've realized a problem about identifying fields. Since there are no clear definitions on what the field types are and what the field weathers are, I'm going to have a guide that you'll be able to print out on what each one is like.

Current Assingments:
For now we don't have enough people to split the Keywords more thinly. We currently assign a whole Part A word to each person if they accept the task. That's a total of 784 fields.
Bursting -- Lyra
Hidden -- Kiwi
Expansive -- Sabin
Boundless -- Phoenix
Closed -- Terror
Quiet -- Cypher
Plenteous -- Nova
Collapsed -- Kain Sicilian
Cursed -- Rion
Buried -- Mayko
Lonely -- Dakota
Great -- Mitsarugi

Field Listing Rules:
These are some simple rules to follow to make sure our mapping is accurate. Remember that the key element of this project is accuracy, so we have to get things done right.
1) Use the images in the Field Types section to make sure you list a field as the correct type. Since what one person may consider Grassland another may consider Leaf Mold, it's important to use the list so that everyone's list is valid.
2) If you find a field of a type not listed, please tell either Lyra or me (Kiwi). Some fields are specifically different because they're part of the game's list of storyline fields (ie: Hidden Forbidden Holy Ground).
3) The same goes for Weather and Time of Day as for Field Types. Use the Weather Types list and the Times of Day list to get things done properly. If you find something that isn't listed please tell Lyra or me (Kiwi).
4) Make sure that you're using .hack//Infection to do this and that you've beaten the game. Beating the game isn't truly necessary but you DO NOT have all the Keywords until you've beaten the game. I know from firsthand experience since I hadn't beaten the game and found I was missing a word or two.

What to List:
This is a simple list of the things you will write down for each field.
1) Field Level -- This is easily available. When you put together the keywords for a field this number is displayed. This is the level the monsters will have.
2) Field Element -- The element of the field. This is displayed with the Field Level and indicates the most common element for monsters in a field. Note that no monsters of the opposing element will ever be found.
3) Field Type -- The types are listed below in the next section. Each field has a certain ground appearance that tells you its type. Refer to the Field Types section for further details.
4) Time of Day -- This is very simple. Sometimes, the sky has different colors depending on the time of the day on the field. Refer to the Times of Day section for further details on the possible times and what they look like.
5) Field Weather -- Fields have different possible weathers, such as rain and snow. These sometimes cover the time of day, depending on the type of weather. Refer to the Weather Types section for further details.

Field Types:
I found that it might be difficult for some to tell apart one field type from another. Right now, we have about 6 types even though the guide mentions 1 more. Click on the link below to see an image of the field type. I suggest printing them and taking them with you when you work on identifying fields.
Grassland -- Two shades of green and one shade of brown make this type of ground.
Desert -- Basically light brown sand everywhere. It's easy to tell.
Scorching -- This is another easy one. The floor is fiery and lava with many red burning cracks.
Snow -- The ground here is either snowy white powder or a sheet of frozen ground.
Earth -- Here the ground is dry and cracked, colored mostly yellow with a few random small circular craters. Make sure you don't confuse this with the desert because this type has no sand.
Leaf Mold -- The grass has a different color from Grassland, with many red and brown spots. Make sure not to confuse this with Grassland during the Afternoon, since the Afternoon light makes the floor redish.
Jungle -- This is a very different map type from the rest. It's built like a dungeon instead of an endless field, the walls decorated with trees. There is no weather in this map type as the sky is covered in vines. This field's weather is therefore 'None'. In these field the time of day is harder to tell because there are no clouds, but you can tell by the color of the ground. Normal is Sunny. Orange is Afternoon. Dark is Night.

Times of Day:
Fields can have times of day, depending on if the weather allows them to be seen or not. Here are the possible times.
Sunny (no image yet) -- The sky has some white clouds and the sun is bright. The sky's color is light blue.
Afternoon -- There are reddish clouds near the horizon with a bit of a darker blue sky than a Sunny weather. There are also some small purple spots around.
Night (no image yet) -- The sky is dark, either black or purple, and may have a moon.

Weather Types:
As with the fields, we also have a weather list to make sure people do this right. The weathers appear over the field's time of day and therefore covers it sometimes.
Cloudy -- The sky has darkened clouds but no rain or thunder. You can see the time of day at the horizon.
Cloudy with Rain -- The sky has dark clouds and it's raining in the field.
Cloudy with Thunder -- The sky has dark clouds and you can see lightning flash around.
Snowing -- Snow flakes fall around the field.
Dust Storm -- Dust is pushed around by strong winds. It may look like haze as well. It also resembles a blizzard.

Contact Information:
Kiwi is available as KamiKazeKiwi3 on both AOL Instant Messenger and .hack//Divergence.
Lyra is ODDLynna on AOL Instant Messenger and Lyra on .hack//Divergence.
.hack//Divergence is a board for role playing .hack//Infection with other people.