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Heiwa Mechakucha

Name: Mechakucha Heiwa {Writen backwards like Japanese names}
Meaning: Chaotic Peace
Age: 18
Birthdate: December 8th
Blood Type: O+
Astro Sign: Sagitarious
Sex: Female
Height: 5'7''
Weight: about 145 lbs.
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Light Blue
Distinguishing features: Cat-like ears and Mouse-like tail

Hobbies: Writing, reading, horse back riding [when she was younger and had the money].

Everyday Wear: Long, dark blue skirt; long sleeved, dark print button down shirt; "cowboy" boots, a weather worn, cream colored straw "cowboy" hat; long sleeved leather jacket; hair pulled back in a pony tail, long bangs coming down off the sides.

Personality Traits: Outgoing; sometimes short tempered, but after afew minutes, is calm and understanding.

History: When young, Heiwa had a very careing mother, but things happened, and her careing mother ended up beating her. She ran away and got engaged, then was found and forced to live with an even more abusive father. Shortly after she turned 17, Heiwa moved back with her mother, whom had learned her lesson. But after getting the wandering bug in her, she moved away again, and got engaged again. Heiwa lived out on the streets with him for 6 months, and now that he has cheated on her and left her for dead, she's trying to figure out where her life is going.

Strong Points: Outgoing, sweet, careing, loyal to a fault.
Likes: Kind people, animals, books, computers, cooking.
Dislikes: Selfish people, bullies, people with "closed minds", dogs, arrogant people, illogical people.
Fav. Food: Lobster Bisque
Least Fav. Food: Liver and Onions
Fav. Color: Black
Fav. Animal: Horse
Fav. Subject: [When she was in school] Art
Fav. Gem Stone: Onyx

Dream: To become a good mother and wife.
Goals in life: To be a "Buckin' Bronco" Champ.
Mission: To make the world a better place for her children ot one day be raised.

~Senshi/Fighting Information~

Senshi Name: Super Sailor Chaos
Senshi/Power Type: Chaos as well as Darkness and Light joined as one. Kinda like a yin/yang sorta thing.
Weapon: Bow and arrow. The bow is made of darkness and the arrow is made of light.
Chaotic Submerssion- A reddish light forms around the enimy, confusing them and making them see multiple ofeverything.

Dark Tunnel- A beam of darkness shoots at the enemy.

Light Awakening- A beam of light hits the enemy. If they are truly a good person, they will transform back. If they are truly evil, they will be desroyed, if it hits.

Weakness: Her friends being hurt, an illogical statement will get her to stop fighting for a second or 2 while she tries to pick it apart.

Fuku/Uniform Description: Black main suit with silver bows, long gloves with black at tops, silerish mother of pearl gem in tiara, mid-thigh hight high-heeled boots.

Side Note: Tail disapears and ears become "normal" in senshi form.

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