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-=- Web Sites That Deserve Credit -=-

Final Fantasy Forum, and much much more. Train and make Characters, while beating the others senseless.
The greatest game makers, while keeping up with the game market.
A site of mainly art works, a must for those who Rp and need character pics.

Sony Vs Nintendo - The history of Sony, and the fools that tried to break Sony's spirit. That's right, Nintendo. - We have many opinions, rather different beliefs. Who is better? Which began first, and which is lagging behind? Sony, or Nintendo? Such questions only run through our minds, without thought on whether had the two ever joined? Nonetheless, the answers are here, and now. Nintendo is nothing, never was, without Sony. Sony has brought the life back within a past time thought dead. Sony game console had been born on December 3, 1994, yet that was the end of a beginning. In 1948, Akio Morita and Masaru Ibuka had been working on making weapons of war in the military, before giving such up and coming to make a company by the name of TTEC, making parts for miniature radios and the like. In the year 1958, TTEC had changed their name to Sony. As an electronic company Sony grew beyond belief, they had created an image manipulator to produce lights of swirls used on many shows and videos. Nonetheless, Sony became interested in the gaming market, yet without a history of such, it stood no chance, for Nintendo remained, the same old system that was indeed dying, the background making up for such. Sony had found a gap, when they had come face to face with Nintendo. Sega had by then come with a CD use for the games, and Nintendo grew afraid, quickly opening discussions with Sony to open their own Sony system. Sony had indeed shown them the work they had done thus far, and a deal was struck. At 1991, Nintendo had taken Sony’s teachings, and findings, only to pull out the contract and had said it would be instead working with Philips. That never happened, for Philips had not the time, and Nintendo was left behind once more. Sony was not known as a game company, and it seemed like they would never be. And yet, if Sony had lost, would I be making this? No, of course not, Sony came through when they had developed a chip, and more, before the world knew it, Sony had been ready to show their new console. In March 1994 the show had begun, Sony proving its skills by making a T-Rex’s head move with a joystick, and what was truly amazing, was the fact it was 3D and in great graphic sense. The PS was launched in Japan on December 3d 1994. It had not been designed to fit the small box we have now, it looked more so like a PC. And thus they continued forward, to more levels than ever. The gaming will continue to evolve, while Sony shall never lose their ground, for a company like that is hard to find, not caring for the money in the beginning, but following a hobby. Nintendo is nothing, a money gathering company that rivals only those on higher levels, when itself is at the bottom.