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May 25, 2003
I just made this webpage. It is awesomeingly awesome, even cooler then my old one. Of course, I have to look to my sister for help sometimes. She is the HTML master. Anywho, I wonder how my day is gonna go. I know one good thing....NO CHURCH TODAY!!! I hate church, and so do all my other sisters. But I think I'm gonna stay home today all day and relax, watch TV, torture my sisters and edit my webpage. Sounds like fun, huh? I'll be back later! Hopefully. But I JUST started this so give me some time to edit it and all. I still have to put links, frames and images up.

May 26, 2003
All right, I know this is supposed to be a journal, but it's going to be mymessage board until I can get this site up and running. But, I'm trying to put in my image for my title/header, and that's where the X in the box is. It's not working, so my sister will have to help me..I'll talke to her about it tomorrow. I am also going to try to put my frames up where I can put all my links. I'm really sorry the site is all messed up, but I haven't done anything to my old website in a really long time. I can't remember any of the HTML markup stuff. But, anywho, I am trying really hard to get this site fixed so people aren't bored when they come here. Please, please, please give me some time to fix this up. I am trying my hardest, but I am running into some difficulties. I apologize for making all you visitors so freakin' bored. I'm trying!!!!TTFN!