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Pow Wow Dances

Many nations that still practice the traditional way of life share a common belief that when the Creator made this world, a uniqueness and power to each nation was given - thus, nature and power and the Indian people spoke the same language. The spirit of the power is held sacred and only upon instruction from the medicine man or woman, could this power be exercised. Songs and dances that signified sprirituality and religion were used in ceremonies. The number four is held sacred in respect to the four cardinal directions where the guardians of the universe live. When paying respect, the east is honoured first because the East is where life began.

Men's Grass Dance

The origin of the men's grass dance came from a young man pondering while watching the long grass of the prairies swaying back and forth. The men wear strands of string or ribbon hanging from their regalia to represent the movement of the grass.

Men's Fancy Dance

The men's fancy dance is a very energetic dance for the younger men. With brilliantly coloured regalia this is the most athletic of pow wow dances, which often turns into a friendly competition between the singers and the dancers. In this dance there are trick songs where overstepping the last beat could mean a loss in the competition.

Men's Traditional Dance

These dancers are characterised by ribboned regalia, long leggings and either wear war bonnets or porcupine roaches. Bustle trailers two or three feet long are suspended from a black bustle made from quail or eagle feathers. Each dancer relates his story of a hunter stalking game to the beat of the drum. Some of these traditonal dancers try to keep in rhythm with the fastest beat while displaying the actions of a hunter.

Women's Fancy Dance

This dance is usually performed by younger women who wear either the traditional leather dress or a cloth dress with matching moccasins. Beadwork, hair pieces, jewellery, a shawl and other accessories enhance their traditional dress. The drumbeat is fast and the women have to make the shawls fly.

Women's Jingle Dress Dance

A long time ago there was a woman who was very sick. She had a vision, and in that vision, she was shown how to make and dance with this dress. When she returned to her people and told them of her vision, they made her the Jingle Dress to represent all women's wounds, and each time they hear the sound of the Jingles, it made them feel good. This dance originated from North Western Ontario, Canada.

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