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Undernet Channel Service Organization

Welcome To UnderNet Help Channel

Undernet Channel Service Organization


#OpMode Rules


  1. Do NOT message or notice any of the helpers, IRC Operators, or other users.
  2. When joining, prepare to type your question. If you are requesting channel assistance, have all your logs ready and ensure that you have supporters present in your channel to support you as a channel operator.
  3. When it is your turn, please state your problem with as many details as possible, mentioning a channel name, if relevant, and an explanation of how the problem occurred.
  4. Do not repeat while on the channel.
  5. Do not address anyone else in the channel except for your designated helper.
  6. If you are refused help, do not keep asking. Do not attempt to part and rejoin the channel in hopes of asking a different helper. This will result in a channel ban.
  7. Do not use colors, bolds, or underlining while in the channel.
  8. Do not idle in the channel or join just to watch.


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