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Mandie, Whitney, Amanda, BreAnne, Brittany, Jenny, Tiffany, Alicia


Brittany, Crystal, Monica



This is all of us just acting dumb at a football game. This is me doing my toe touch. This is when we were doing our dance routine at the fokfest parade.


This is BreAnne up in a full prep. This is all of us once again!


Here we are doing our dance routine the night before our competition. Here Jenny is in a prep getting ready to be put into a full.
Here Tif and Jenny are in there prep hitch as our starting stunts for competition. Here we are doing our a dance routine at the fokfest parade.
Another picture for the fokfest parade. And another picture!
And this was the truck that we had our music played it. Here I am in split prep at the civic center last year.
Here is Tif, me, Bre, Jenny, and Amanda chillin at Dairy Queen in Jamestown. This is all of us before the football game in Minot.
This is me and my coaches Jodi and Michelle!  This is all of us chillin in the charter on the way to Grand Forks for competition!
All of us once again sittin around before a home football game. And this is me and Bre! We would football buddies!!!


This is me and my hockey buddy, Monica!

This is Monica and I cheering at a hockey game in Williston.
This is Crystal and me at a home game  right before school song. This is all three of us just waiting for school song to play.

This is Monica and I during the middle of a cheer.

And here we are all doing actions to the school song.
The national anthem singers!!! Chandra, Megan and I. The cheerleaders and Dusty's cousin and friend.