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Heidi's "Creative" English Website

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Hello All! My name is Heidi Coleman and I am a graduating senior at South Hills High School in West Covina, California. The point of this website is to be a final portfolio for my senior English class. It is to show some of the aspects of our projects and assignments from the past year. _________________________________________________________________ Resume Heidi E. Coleman Theatre Show Part Working Rose Hoffman/Grace Clemens The Apple Tree Snake/Lion Tamer/Narrator Bleacher Bums Decker David and Lisa Barbara Music and Motion Featured Soloist The Robber Bridegroom Ensemble Wishes and Dreams Ensemble Training - 4 years Advanced Acting classes with Laura Holbrook - 4 years Vocal Training with Ann Ferriera - 3 years Cal St. Fullerton theatre workshops - California State Thespian Festival workshops References available upon request Technical resume avialable upon request ____________________________________________________________ Letter of Reccomendation Diane Jocob is a close frien of the family who I have known since I was quite young. I asked her to write this letter for me and she was very delighted to. I was very flattered when I first read this letter because this wiman is not the type to use words lightly. She means everything that she says. 1 April 2003 To whom it may concern: When Heidi Coleman asked me for a letter of recommendation, I was delighted to comply with her request. I have known her throughout her life, and watched with interest as she developed a strong interest in Theatre Arts. Some of us are incredibly fortunate. We find the field which will enchant us, and hold our interest throughout a long career, at an early age. I did. I believe Heidi has also. She seems to find every aspect of producing a play fascinating. There's a certain level of enthusiasm heard in the voices of people who love what they do. You hear that in Heidi's voice and I know it will continue to be heard. She has been a good team person; as intent upon pitching in to get the project completed as to gain her credits. It was always she was mentally gifted, but Heidi had a way of helping a slower classmate without making that child feel "slower". I've often observed organizational skills and an ability to pare away non-essentials and spotlight the essence of a piece. Whether her interests move into lighting, or set design, or a completely different aspect of theatre, I know this: her greatest strength is a distaste for mediocrity, which drives her to raise her goals, and reach them. Whatever Heidi turns her hand to will be stamped with her own inimitable mark. Very truly yours, Diane Humphrey Jacob ____________________________________________________________ Job Shadow Reflection My job shadow with Mr. Joseph Holbrook, the assitant technical driesctor for Cal St. Fullerton was on April 18th, 2003. This was a great experience for me. It gave me the oppertunity to work with some very professional people and see how the profession I would like to get into really works. I spent the day with Joe while he was working on a techincal rehearsal for the show "Candide". We finished setting up some of the sets and the machine motors that were being used for that show. I learned a lot that day. There was even a time when some of the sets crashed while they were moving! That day was a lot of hard work, but at the same time, very enjoyable. It gave me a chance to see what this career would be like and I enjoyed it. I truly believe that this is a career that I could do everyday for the rest of my life. ____________________________________________________________ Biography Heidi Coleman-This is Heidi's 11th production with South Hills High. She won Best Actress for her roles as the Rose Hoffman and Grace Clemens in Working. She played Snake/lion tamer/narrator in The Apple Tree, for which she won Best Supporting Actress, Decker in Bleacher Bums and Barbra in David and Lisa. Other shows include Music and Motion, Wishes and Dreams and The Robber Bridegroom. Also, Heidi is involved with the technical design of every show, won the Best Technician award for 2002, and the Best Actress of the year award for 2003.
