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Me and You

Sweetheart, this is a website dedicated to us and our relationship. Since we can't be in person to share a lot of moments and experiences, I figured we could communicate through this outlet. If you don't have time to keep up with the website (or don't feel like learning how to make a website) then I will maintain the website. You and I have been going through a lot of changes this year, especially lately. Since you are the only person I really feel connected to, I really want this connection to be stronger so that we can support each other. I also thought that I could at least put up some recent pictures up of myself, since you complain that you have no recent pictures. I have armed myself with a digital camera and have asked Anjali to take pictures of me. I'll even put up some of the poetry I have writen for you. This is just for us .................................................................................................................................................................. A Few Phone Calls and 10 Days... is it possible to love someone from a few interactions and many phone calls? or is this love that I feel just a illusion of love, or just a reflection of me wanting to be in love...wanting to feel that oneness, my soul wanting to feel complete...i’m pretty sure that what I feel in my heart is love...but this defies rational thinking...can one fall in love this way? the phone calls that come every few days-- the troubling conversations mixed in with sweet nothings...and don’t forget the naughty words which sprinkle all conversations...this strange and strong connection...connecting hearts, minds, and souls as we traverse the obstacles of courting each other over 10,000’s not easy, in fact, we are downright crazy but i’m determined to see this through...because our paths were destined to cross and in soon time and with god’s blessing these divergent paths will soon converge...I don’t have any answers...All I know is that this connection is real... Two souls are to connected to each other from a 10,000 mile distance, covering many continents and oceans... They say that life is a journey-I want my journey to begin and end with you, by your side and in your arms.

Why I love you...