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Sam Benson's UFO Web Site

Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. The purpose for this web site is simple, to share with you some of the unusual UFO sightings that I and others have had. Whether we believe or not, the real issue is "truth," and the truth is out there somewhere.

For example, in the early 1980s I had a dream or experience where I was in a craft that was at first void of any windows. Suddenly a section of the craft became transparent and I was able to see a huge section of the environment outside. I inquired as to the nature of the technology and was told that it was made possible by passing an electric current through the metal between two points.

I also want to share other dreams and experiences with with, as well as UFO web site links. Most of all, I would like to post your UFO experiences as well. So, please do send me an e-mail, even if it is to chat a bit about your concerns or mine.

As I build my new web site, I do hope you will come back and visit with me again.

Sam Benson

From My Files:
  1. Memorial Day Scare
  2. Triangle-Shaped Craft
  3. More to come

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