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when you click the activity in the table ,anew page will be displayed to show the details of the activity
this following page is aprivate page for administrator tools you can add delete ,topics and no body can do these operations except you ,you enter this section by using aunique username and password
the following page view all the cases that have been added by the administrator the user can view the details of the case and read it by clicking the case name from the table, anew window will appear and show the details
here is the page where user can contact you by filling the form and clicking submit
here is the page where faces will be added the user click the name anew window will apper and show the details
here is the main page ,with apicture of baniamir boy you have to send me the text that will be added to the main page
here is the page where users can view meetings the same procedure goes here if auser want to view details
in the visitors page visitors can add some saying to the visitors page by filling aform .. any user can do this