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About This Layout

Do you like purple? If you do, I'm sure you'll like this layout ^_~ Well, this table layout is coded a bit different than all my other tables layout. Anyway, this layout's named Amethyst, it uses tables and CSS Coding. This layout can be viewed perfectly fine with anyweb browser that support CSS and any screen resolution of 800 x 600 or above.

Using This Layout

Unzip and upload all of the files to a temporary files folder.
Open index.html and replace all the text I have here with your own,you can replace all the text I have here except for the link to Aethereality at the bottom.

Copyrights & Credits

If you decided to use this layout, please link back to Aethereality. Give credits where credits are due okay? I spent a lot of time making this layout, and all you have to do is link back, it's just as easy as that. If this layout inspire you to make a similar one, please credits Aethereality too.


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