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Ariadne Juto

Ariadne Juto is the daughter of Adrian Zero and Erron Juto. Her mother Adrian was married to Daikatan Zero, and together they had a child, a daughter named Deserae Zero. Daikatan slowly began to fade from their lives and appeared a few years later when Des was about 2 Adrian was happy to see him, but he didn't stay long and he left again and they havent see him since.4 years later she met Erron and had another daughter Ariadne. Erron later died when Ari was 8 and Deserae 13. Erron died while battling an enemy, and Deserae was training and decided she was good enough to help, and she did. Though she was wounded severly and died 2 weeks later. Before all of this happened Ariadne and Deserae set out to find Des father, Daikatan. They had no luck because they were kidnapped by Errons enemy, which is why he was battling him for his daughters. Ariadne and her mother were devistated over the loss of their family. Ariadne has since then become very strong. Her mother has not been able to figure her out. Adrian mostly keeps to herself while Ariadne likes to be involved with people, she finds them interesting and loves listening to their life stories. She has not yet met a man who she has felt anything more than friendship growing between them. She wonders about happily getting involved in peoples lives and making new friends. ( more to come)