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Welcome to AngellicStarDust's Webpage/SubProfile

     Thank you so much for stopping by and visiting my webpage/subprofile. It means so much to me. It's rather obvious, seeings that you're reading this right now, that you know me in some way. More than likely I went to school with you or met you through a school function. As of right now there aren't that many great things on this darn thing because I have had very little time to sit down and actually build it up and make it better. I assure you that within time there will be a lot more links, more things to read, some interesting information about me that many people don't know, and some other funky little things. (You all know me so you know that by the end of three weeks I will be sick of working on this and just say the heck with it.) After that last statement I am making it your mission to see to it that I do not stop working on this. I know everyone out there just enjoys reading the ramblings that escape from my fingertips as I sit at this computer for hours on end.

     With that said, please continue on and read all that you want to read. However, there is one consequence for you viewing this...YOU SIMPLY MUST SIGN MY GUESTBOOK!!

Post a message to my message board, hopefully I will get a lot of traffic on this site and it will actually be interesting!!
Click here to visit my message board!