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Amy's RP Characters

Here is a list of the characters I have made up so far. I am usually on neopets, as the user name _snowy_faerie_. My description says that I have only been playing for 5 months, but I have been hacked and I had to make a new user name. I have really been playing for 25 months, not just 5, but it was on and off, so I wasn't a legend or anything of the sort. Anyway, below are my characters for RPing.

Jamilia: My Egyptian Character

Origin of Name: Jamilia is the egyptian name for beauty

Apperance: Jamilia has layered, long, flowing long hair, mysterious green eyes, a round shaped face, a cute little nose, and a small sparkling smile. She is petite for her age of around 15. She is 4’11’’ tall and 92 pounds and has tiny feet. She is extremely slim and her body fits together perfectly. She is very beautiful, but does not know, or act like, it.

Attire: Jamilia is usually found wearing the same outfit all the time. She cleans, lounges, and sleeps in the same clothes most of the time. Her shirt is just old rags that go a bit past her upper body. Jamilia wears her skirts of palm leaves sewn together on her lower body. She wears a crown of thorns around her head, so it is known that she is a servant of the king.

History: Jamilia is not one bit egyptian. They believe she is of european descent. Jamilia was found in the papyrus leaves of the Nile, and adopted into a family, sort of like the story of baby Moses. Her family was the Meskhenets, which is egyptian for "destiny". Her family was very unhelpful to her growing up. Her mother favored her biological twin daughters, Zahra (meaning "flower") and Keket (named after the goddess of darkness). They were a year older than Jamilia, which gave them the authority to order Jamilia around. When the twins were 10 years and Jamilia was of 9 years, they were all sent to be servents in the palace of the king.

Extra: Jamilia loves to dance and sing while she is alone. She likes to be invited to balls, which isn't very often at all, since she is only a servent. She dreams of being royalty, but knows it is impossible. Not only is she just a servent girl, she is barely considered an egyptian. The egyptian maidens have coarse, straight black hair, olive skin, and their eye color dark as night. But Jamilia believes she is just as egyptian as them. Her hair is feathery as papyrus paper, her skin light like the sand, and her eyes as green as the Nile.

Here is a cartoon doll that I made of Jamilia
Sorry! I will try to get the image back soon, it was causing difficulties!!

It's big, and I don't know how to make it so it doesn't move, oh well...

This is about all I have so far about Jamilia. I will add updates when anything happens.

Tawny: My Fantasy Medieval Character

Origin of Name: Tawny, in old english, means light brown, which is odd, because there is now brown on her entire body.

Apperance: Tawny has very soft, pale skin, mostly because she usually travels at night. She has flowing long blonde hair that has very soft, wavy curls that hang a few inches past her shoulders, the tips shaded violet to match her eyes. Her eyes are mysterious purple, that glisten when she is deep in thought. Her nose is small and round, but very cute. Her little mouth fits perfect with the round shape of her head. The complection of her face is very clear and has a very even tone. Her body is slim, and fit from working in the fields. She has minuscule feet, that she is able to dance like a goddess on. She is around the age of 18 or 19 but appears as the age of around 15 or 16 because of the way her body ages. She is very beautiful, but ignores the fact that she is.

Attire: Tawny mostly wears a long, thick brown cloak that drags along the ground behind her. Her cloak has a rope around the waste to secure it, and a large hood that she usually pulls over her head. While her hood is on, it is hard to see her pretty face, and it pushes some of her hair out so her soft curls hang around her shoulders. Tawny does not wear shoes, most of the time. She has one pair that she keeps only for long journeys. They are tiny, brown slippers that she made herself.

History: Tawny is unsure of what she is or where she came from. She thinks she may be some kind of enchantress because of her powers. She never met her parents, and has only lived with a few friends in different villages before. Since age 15 she has been traveling, and hasn't had a permenent home yet. At night, she sleeps under the stars.

Powers: Unsure if she really has powers, or just plain talent, she uses the term "talent" more. Tawny can sing like no other in all the land. Her voice is beautiful, like one of a song bird. She can also grow crops so they can be close to twice as big as they would be normally. One very odd talent is how she can spit fire from the tips of her fingernails.

Here is a cartoon dolls that I made of Tawny in her clothing
Sorry! I will try to get the image back soon, it was causing difficulties!!

I will try to update information about Tawny as much as I can.

That's about all I have for now. When I make up a new character, I will be sure to add her/him. I will try to update this site as often as I can. Thanks for visting, and please come back and look for updates!!

Amy Nicole | © June 8, 2003. All Right Reserved
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