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Alt+F4 Graphix




matching blank button.


(PRESS ALT+F4) Welcome to the new ALT+F4 site. Currently the member loggin and newsletter are unaviable. because I am still working on the html. However They will be aviable soon. Please excuse this layout because its mainly css and I am new too it :(

I hope you like the new version of ALT+F4, version 2.0 Sapphire. It didn't take long to make but it seems ok for a temporary layout. I have added some new stuff so please check the news and updates part of this page.

To let you know in advance ALT+F4 is a website for neopets about Graphix and information such as tips and hints.

This website uses html and alot of CSS. I used a customized font called "Zenith"



+Finally got out of version 1.0 and moved onto 2.0 sapphire.

+I added a date thingy at the top right

I have opened up applications to anybody who wants to join us.

Newsletter and member login& Usage and Policies

Sorry but hte newsletter and member loggin are unaviable for right now

Oh and this doesn't belong here but if u get an idea off my work I would appreciate if you added a link some where

 Website (c) 2002 ALT+F4 graphix. Design (c) 2002 ALT+F4 Graphix . All rights reserved.