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Juuban Arena

Well, I decided that since pretty much nobody cares
about this website for its roms (since they have
edited checksums anyway), I removed 'em. Bah. Didn't
want the government to sue my ass on copyright bull.
I guess you'll just have to download from my zbattle
servers if you wanna play. In the meantime, summer is
coming up, and I don't know what I'm gonna do with this
page now...I might make a webcomic. I might make this
a page for my clan, if anyone ever joins. Yeah, and,
uh, stuff. Play zbattle. Peace. -timberwolf

This update is dedicated to FISH, who didn't die, and
altered, who requested Kirby Superstar. This just
happens to be the first user request as well as the
first non-Sailor Moon game uploaded here. Go figure.

I added four more Sailor Moon games. Note that most
of my games have custom checksums...I changed them so
they made more sense, but this puts zbattlers at a
slight disadvantage when it comes to the checksum
department...oh well, that's what I'm here for ^^
Meh... I forgot to add the first entry- that would be
for all the way back to February 21!

The grand opening of Juuban Arena Download center with 3 Sailor Moon games available! Woohoo!

Send comments, game requests, challenges to: