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Homo Homini Lupus

Homo Homini Lupus____Man is a Wolf to Man
Characters Pictures About

Wanna insult me? Compliment? Comment at all? Just stalk me? Click here..


no Update today. or for the past few days for that matter.. Took down the music as well. So ya. Did anyone have a guess as to what it was or is this site ignored for the most part? ^_^;;


Not much in the areas of updating. Just added a background theme on the home page. Let's see if any of you can guess what it's from. ^_^


Ne, got the character profiles up, as with the gallery. Added a contact link too. If anyone want to comment. ^_^; um. please?

Ano, so I'll add more as I go along. I have lots more characters, plus once I get a scanner the picture gallery with be filled up. ^_~ So Ja ne for now. Schoolwork calls. Yes, even on a Friday. T_T


Well, I've got this site up and running. It's a site about my RPG characters, Maleficium and Kapu. And Auire, Mal and Kapu's pet peeve. Literally. [Note: Becca-chan. XD I'm a dirty thief]

Anyways, soon I'll get the different sections up. So be patient. ^.~ not like anyone will care about this site anyway. T_T ah, well.