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This page is reserved for your stuff, anything.
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(aehunni06) with your stuff, and I'll put it up.
Poems, quotes, drawings, pictures, w/e :O)
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the work from this page, thanks


I think this is self explanitory
any teenage girl would understand
its so simple, but yet the meanings complex

BY: Me
For now I’ll wait
Until its you by my side
Because now it seems
Everyone else runs to hide

In evenings such as this
I look to the moon
And pray that I find you
If only soon

I wish you could hold me
During times like this
Wipe away my tears
Take my fears with your kiss

Smile, make me melt
Trace a path with your finger
Around my face
Stop somewhere to linger

Tell me I’m the one
And kiss me again so sweet
Make me believe
We were meant to meat

Love me as if
Times is no element
This is what love
Has always meant

I dream of the day
Please don’t be too late
Let it be special
But for now I’ll wait

" I dont know the key to success,
but the key to failure is to try to
please everyone. " -Bill Cosby

BY: Jill
I thought it would be simple
To say the things i should have said
But when i got my chance i just froze up

Now im just wishing
I would get one more chance
I swear this time i'll make sense
Just one more chance

I see you walking around with her
And i know your happy
I can see it in your eyes
God only knows i'm trying


The light fades
And so do you
I'm left alone now
With only a memory
Of a boy i use to know

And i want you here
But what would i say
I could never say
Say just what i ment
No it never did
Did come out right

The light casts shadows on my wall
And a new day begins
I'm searching for something
Somthing with meaning
I just need you to hold on to

And i want you here
But what would i say
I could never say
Say just what i ment
No it never did
Did come out right