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I. Clan Name: The Illuminati
II. Leaders: Vega, Tipro, Dereliction
III. Help File:

Since the beginning of time, the beasts of the earth have fought for power, supremacy, and territory. Humanity was no exception. Through ages and epochs, and the rise and fall of kingdoms and countries, many humans grew aware of the glaring imperfections of their civilizations. These enlightened individuals, fed up with corrupted politics and empty rhetoric, endeavored to change the world according to their noble ideals.

At the onset, their numbers were few, and they realized that it was an impossibility to truly change the world as it was. Thus they discovered the great irony of using established institutions and kingdoms for their own purposes. The Illuminati, as they came to call themselves, sought to undermine the nations of the world without drawing attention to themselves, until the right time to take over arrived.

Presently, we, the Illuminated Ones, aim to guide the world into disarray, following the principles of discord. While others fear confusion and chaos, we enjoy discord and the beautiful madness it brings. Through embracing the principles of disorder, we have become free. We are unpredictable, we do the unexpected, and we are sometimes outright bizarre; all to keep others guessing.

With governments disbanded, paranoia in the people, and kingdoms in ruins, the Illuminati will claim the world at its weakest point, and rebuild it from the ashes according to our ideals. We are behind everything, yet we admit to nothing, sworn to secrecy in rituals as old as the order itself. We are lighthearted yet serious, overt yet covert, clear yet mysterious, ordered yet disordered. We will use any means necessary to obtain power and complete the cause.

IV. Clan Theme: The Illuminati seek to find illumination secretly, by securing contacts, or even themselves, within the governments of other clans. In order to facilitate the collapse of our opponents, the Illuminati act in ways which serve to add confusion and blinding paranoia to the people of the world. Our actions are always completely self serving, using others as we see fit, yet also leave others unsure of our motives, while keep their eyes away from the work we do in the shadows.

We consider ourselves to be neither evil, nor good, we only wish the world to be free through discord. Despite our seemingly unusual or nonsensical behaviors, we are patient and persistent in the pursuit of our goal; ready to seize the world as soon as the moment arrives.

V. Clan Ranks:

1. Greyface
2. Discordian
3. Prophet
4. Magnate
5. Avatar
6. Illuminated One
7. Five Star Saint

1. Greyface
2. Discordian
3. Luminary
4. Oracle
5. Avatar
6. Illuminated One
7. Five Star Saint

VI. Recruitment Requirements:

-The Illuminati will always have their doors open if they have less than the sacred twenty-three members. If more than twenty-three members are in the clan, then recruitment processes will take place within the first 10 days of each month.

-The prospective applicant must meet requirements based on the section they wish to join:

Hand of Discord: Those who wish to join the Hand of Discord must be experienced at a variety of Aardwolf aspects. Applicants need to have at least three classes, 15 campaigns, 30,000 quest points, and 60% areas explored, and will need to submit a note to the Hand of Discord leader offering an original idea on how to gather information about other clans.

The Golden Apple Corps: The Golden Apple Corps are the strength of the clan, an applicant who wishes to join their respected ranks must show they have the and will to get stronger, by having attained five classes, five duels won, and 25,000qp.

Bureau of Eristic Affairs: The Bureau of Eristic Affairs deals with internal clan affairs, including upgrades and recruitment, and thus must be knowledgeable of many Aardwolf related concepts. An applicant demonstrates their knowledge by attaining level fifty of their second class, 300 quests complete, 5 campaigns completed, 1 duel won, and 65% of areas explored.

The Fifth Column: Newer players who do not meet the requirements for other sections will be allowed to apply to join the Fifth Column, which only has the requirement of level 150 of a single class, and 150 quests completed.

-Any player meeting those requirements still wishing to follow the principles of discord and join the Illuminated Ones must first write a note of application which may be no more, and no less, than exactly five lines. It is up to the applicant to determine what he/she deems important enough to express in five lines.

-The applicant will then seek out members of the Illuminati and request interviews. The content of the interview is up to the discrimination of the interviewer and the applicant may be sent on a quest.

-The applicant must have at least one interview with a member of the Legion of Dynamic Discord. In this interview, the interviewer will be put on the spot and the tables will be turned, as the applicant will actually interview the Legion of Dynamic Discord member. Through this, the Illuminati will observe how a applicant acts under pressure, and will learn what the applicant thinks are important issues regarding membership.

-While any member of the clan may interview if asked, only those who rank higher than Presbyter will be given an actual vote on the applicant's future, posted to the Legion of Dynamic Discord. Each yes/no vote is worth one or minus one point. Members of the Legion of Dynamic Discord have twice the voting power, while the clan leaders may veto any application, terminating immediately.

-The amount of points required for membership is partially based on how many active members are in the clan, and thus how many points it is possible to obtain. Any applicant who is not supported by at least eighty percent of those he or she has interviewed will not be admitted to the clan.

VII. Promotion Requirements:

-Promotions are seen as great honors within the Illuminati. Approximately once a month, the Legion of Dynamic Discord will convene to decide which, if any, member of the clan is deserving of a promotion.

-Each section has its own requirements for promotion based on the area the section focuses on, though they are guidelines and not set in stone.

-Promotions are based on many things, including, how active the member is, being helpful to their fellow members, showing an interest in the creation of discord among the clans, general attitude on clan channel, their work in whatever section they joined, and anything else that is deemed relevant at the time.

-If an applicant believes that he/she is being neglected and deserves a promotion, they are free to post a note to the Legion of Dynamic Discord who will then discuss their status.

-Upon being selected for promotion, a ceremony will then be held where the clan member will recite the oaths for their upcoming rank.

VIII. Demotion Requirements: -Demotions are rare and saved for the most minor of offenses. This includes excessive inappropriate comments on clan channel and general misconduct. It will generally be treated on a case by case basis.
IX. Outcasting Requirements:

-Because the Illuminati is a clan based upon intelligence gathering and spying, all clan information is very valuable and important. Any clan member caught giving out any information to anyone who is not in the clan will be outcasted.

-Any clan member who does not follow the Clan Spying Code of Conduct, a guide which standardizes a method of legal clan spying, will be outcasted and reported to the immortals.

-Breaking Aardwolf rules and repeated hostility towards clan members will not be tolerated and will also result in outcasting.

-Other, less urgent, situations will be treated on a case by case basis, and will require a two thirds vote of the Legion of Dynamic Discord in order to outcast the individual.

-Members who remain in the Fifth Column for a period of one year will be outcasted. The Fifth Column is for newer players, and members are expected to strive to meet the requirements for one of the other clan sections, and switch to that section.

X. Clan Government: -The Illuminati is by and large a democratic clan, and will take votes on all major clan changes. Each member rank Discordian and higher will have an equal vote worth one point, except for the votes of the Legion of Dynamic Discord, which will count as two points.
XI. Align/Class/Race/Language Restrictions: None.
XII. General Rules:

The clan will be PK.

-Each member must join one of the sections of the Illuminati, each with specialized tasks. Each section is headed by a member of the Legion of Dynamic Discord:

Hand of Discord - The division of the clan responsible for clan related intelligence gathering and clan spying. Those who join will follow a standardized method of attempting to spy on another clan.

The Golden Apple Corps - The PK/Raid division of the Order to bring discord upon the land.

Legion of Dynamic Discord: Made up of Five Star Saints, Illuminated Ones and a few Avatars who are deemed worthy. They are seen nearly as equals to leaders.

Bureau of Eristic Affairs:The division of the clan that deals with applications and clan upgrades.

The Fifth Column: A part of the clan which contains the newer players. Players in this section do not get to vote or rise higher than the rank of Greyface. Players in this section are expected to eventually join another section when they meet the requirements for it.

-Illuminati will not elect more than three leaders if clan membership is under twenty three, no more than four if clan membership is between twenty three and thirty two, and five if clan membership is over thirty two.

-Those who wish to join the Hand of Discord and attempt to spy on another clan must follow a very specific set of rules called the Clan Spying Code of Conduct. This means absolutely no multiplaying, no interfering with enemy clan affairs, not touching the infiltrated clan's equipment, and generally not causing any trouble. This is a very strict rule and will be enforced.

-Those who are outcasted from the Illuminati are then completely not associated with us in any fashion whatsoever. We have nothing to do with our outcasts, and any clan may rest assured that this outcast is not a spy.

-Clan deity is Eris, Goddess of Confusion.