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SONG PLAYING : Sasktatchewan - Les Trois Accords


Welcome to our page.
Heddy and I decided to make a webpage of our adventures in montreal. We've been here since early January and I must say... a lot has happened. So far we've had the good and the bad and finally we're starting to experience the greater part of Montreal. Seasons changing, no snow, getting used to french... who woulda thought?? SOOOO...We got pictures and stories and stuff. It's better than sending mass emails...everyone gets a lil confused with them.. not really but the sha does hahaha. So, eventually this page will contain more pics, links, stories, and babble!

MARCH 27 2005
This past weekend was pretty crazy. Jacques, Nathalie, Lorene and Marie Anne came to visit us. We met them at a Karokee Bar called 'Les Gemeaux'. It was Christian's friend Michel's birthday and we went crazy! Also while I was on stage singing with Christian, I pulled a Janet Jackson! He was holding my hand, swinging my arm back and forth. It kept sliding down my shirt and everyone saw my breast, including my nipple. I was so embarrased! Afterwards Laureo and I had a party at our place, and invited everyone back. And I was up until 8 am! Yee haw! On Saturday, we were supposed to meet up again for a sugar shack 'Le Cabane a Sucre' but I slept in. I feel so bad! And well the rest of the weekend was a blur... No easter dinner for us! But Sharon and I had a romantic night together. We shared a candlelit dinner. Then we went out for a date - a movie 'Guess Who' (not the winnipeg band) and then had a three person party. Yaa! Christian came over and we chilled. Goodtimes had by all. More stories to follow...Julian will be here in two weeks, Stacey the following week, so I will have many more stories to tell.


March 30, 2005
Yeah, today is Wednesday. Yay fun. The sun is shinning, the birds are chirping, neighbours are yelling non sense, police sirens every 20 minutes, music on the street corner... OHHH how beautiful this place is. 1.44pm Heather is still in bed. She wasnt able to fall asleep properly cause she wasnt feeling too well. Meanwhile, the sha fell asleep on a bean bag chair. All night long. How exciting. All I hear is a constant beeping. I don't know what it could be. Maybe its my mind wanting to jump out of my head and over the pont champlain bridge. Funny how I always joke about that bridge... anywhooo.. the sun is up, no more snow. thank god.. no more salt on the fuckin ground. no more white rings around the bottom of our pants.. thank god.. its over... thank god.. yay.. i love no salt. I like hummus. It is tastey. I also like croisants. They are tastey too. Maybe I really am lacking sleep. Maybe not. I can't tell. All I know is that I think im getting sick. Everyone around me sneezes without covering their stupid faces, cant stand it. Now im sick.. damn. Whatever happened to ebola? I must go now, I hear nature calling me. Actually Heathers calling me. But I'll call her Nature.

Below, are some random photos of ...stuff...

Visitors tips when coming to Montreal
  • be completely open minded
  • dont be full of urself, just cause they stare it dont mean anything
  • be prepared to depend on depaneurs and patateries
  • never look both ways while crossing the street, just stick ur hand out infront of u, but if u get hit by a car.. it aint my fault
  • (for the girls) never look at a french girl in the eyes, unless u know them for more then 3 seconds, cause after that... well... RUN!
  • ALWAYS at least try speaking french first no matter where u go, WHY?? cause if u dont... they'll screw around with u and make u cry
  • If someone ever smiles at u at a bar, on the metro, down the street and u think theyre either hot or whatever... dont get ur hopes up. Ive learned that being in Montreal.. theres a 50/50 chance that theyre gay.
  • Never tell a true 'quebecois' that ur from ontario or know anyone from ontario.. trust me.
  • If ever u are here for more than 7 days, this city and its attitude will grow on you
  • Be prepared to smoke more than usual. And if ur a non smoker... ha.. good luck.
  • You think u know french just because u took french class HAHAHAHAA silly people... they have their own lil dialect.. ull see
  • All 514 residence must consume at least 1-2 glasses of any kind of alcohol within 24 hours.
  • And never.. NEVER NEVER NEVER ever ever never compliment anyone from montreal.. they seriously take it the wrong way no matter how u say it or what u say... they take it the wrong way.

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    Something The Sha found funny hahaha

  • The Sha

    Occupation//Web Designer

    My 514 'Rant'

    This place rocks!!!
    You all must come here
    I dunno what else to
    say. But Heather has
    more stuff on her side
    and I felt a little bit
    left out. So, here I
    go... writing basically
    nothing. well, yeah i
    have nothing important
    to say but this city is
    cool. The pics are self
    explanitory. We have fun,
    yay! Montreal has made
    The Sha brain dead... oh
    well.. back to fiddling
    with this site haha!!!

    Pee Out,

    Location// 514
    fashion student

    My Montreal 'Rave'
    I love Montreal! Although
    I had some bad luck in the
    beginning, things are better
    and I am becoming more
    comfortable with the city.
    It now feels like home! I
    have met some amazing
    people, and we have had
    good times together. These
    are all my friends and more
    so check out the photos!
    I do miss Winnipeg,
    including all my friends
    and family, but it
    is nice to have a new city
    to explore. And the partying
    is amazing! Yee haw!
    Shout out to
    my Winnipeg peeps!