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    How are you? I hope that this finds you in good humor. If you will bear with me, I am in the process of starting this site. You will find updates here each week. At this point in time I do not what day of each week I will update right now. I think I will update on Saturdays, but that is still up to the Lord.

    Yes, this is a religious site and I hope that you knew that when you came here. I Walk On Faith, and my walk on faith is telling me that God wants this. Years ago, I was visiting a friend of mine, and showed her something that I was doodling. That was Walk On Faith. I told her that I really didn't know what it meant or what I had to do. She told me to Walk On Faith. I have to admit that I did fall, I was not a good Christian, even though grace saved me from hell. But God knew what was going on with me and He knew what would happen to me. He knew that I would return to Him and also that I would start this site on this very day.

    If you think about it, you will realize that 2000 years ago when He was hanging on that cross he saw each and every one of us and knew that he was dying for us. He saw me, and He knew what I was going to do. His Eyes are eternal. He saw me when I got married to my first wife. He also saw when she and I got divorced. His Love knows no boundaries of time or space. If it did, do you think he would have died for me? I am a man, a human being. Just like all men and women it is in my nature to be evil, but by the grace of God, I have a way to fight my natural urges. I have a way to show that I can be good through Him.

    Pick up your Bible, open it up to Romans 3:23. There you will see what Paul wrote, "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God." (KJV) That word says it all. ALL HAVE SINNED. Therefore all is evil. We fell from the grace we had in Eden because of the serpent, yes, I agree to that. God gave man freewill. Why? To show us that He is just. His love for us is pure.

    Turn now to Romans 6:23 "For the wages of Sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." If His love wasn't pure and just do you think He would have died for us? Now you may be saying Jesus is the one who died. Well, true but God is the trinity. God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

    God loves us more than many of you know. When I trusted Him and felt His love I knew that it was most pure love I have ever felt. I had things that I had to go through. Trials, tests, and refinement all so that I could be sitting here this morning starting this site, for His glory.

    Now that you know what kind of site this is, do you think you want to continue looking at it? If you do, click the link at the bottom of the page and you will be taken to the contents page. If you do not want to continue all you have to do is type in a different address into your address bar or just close the window. Thank you for stopping by.

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