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The Play Room

Where children have fun!

My Mission Statement:

To provide a safe, loving environment for children of all ages to have fun and learn together.

A Little About Myself:

My name is Misty and I am a 21 year old housewife. I have had aproximatley 3 years of experiance with childcare ( 8 months of which I was a live in nanny)and come with excellent references. I share my home with my husband, Philip who is 24. We are members of the Oak Hill Free Will Babtist Church here in Missouri, where I am the Nursery Director. I currently have no children of my own. We do not allow alcohol or smoking in our home at any time. My interests include singing, writting poetry, and watching movies. I love children very much and enjoy doing a home day care. Within the next year I plan to place my day care in an apartment which I will rent. I am gentle and loving, but can be strict when the situation calls for it. I hope you feel free to e-mail me with any questions, suggestions, or concerns, and I look forward to working with you.

Hours of Operation:

I am available Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.
I may be available some Saturdays, with a reservation.
The rate for a Saturday will be $25 for infants to two years, and $23 for two years and up.

The following holidays I will not be available:

Thursday December 24, 2003 through Sunday December 28, 2003 (Christmas)
Thursday January 1, 2004 through Sunday January 4, 2004(My family celebrates Christmas)
Thursday November 25, 2004 thorough Sunday November 28, 2004 (Thanksgiving)
Thursday December 23, 2004 through Sunday December 26, 2004 (Christmas)

Special Dates To Remember:

Friday April 16, 2004 I need children to be picked up by 6 p.m.(This is my husbands birthday and we will be going out of town for the weekend.)
Monday August 16, 2004 I will not be available. (This is my birthday and I will be out of town the previous weekend, returning Monday night.)
Thursday September 16, 2004 through Sunday September 19, 2004 I will not be available. (This is our wedding anniversary and we will be out of town on the dates specified.)

Partial Weeks:

Usually I will need to charge the full price for the week regardless of how many hours or days your child attends. This is only fair to me, because I can only watch a certain number of children each week. (5) However each child is entitled to 7 sick days per year, and 5 vacation days. (The child gets sick days when he/she starts in the day care, there is no waiting period.) Also depending on the situation I might be able to give you a discount. I am pretty flexible and I do understand that situations arise that are beyond our control. As long as it's not an every week thing we can probably work something out.

Vacation Days:

Each child will be allotted 5 vacation days per year. These can be used all at once or individually. Like wise, it may be possible that I will take 5 vacation days in June. You will not be charged for this time, or course. If you are not able to find a sitter that has lower prices than mine I will take the difference off your next bill. For instance, if you find someone who charges $95 and I only charge you $80, your next bill will recieve a credit of $15, and your bill will only be $65 for the week. (All you need to do is bring me a receipt from the other baby sitter.) Please do not take advantage of this and get an expensive baby sitter. This is not usually done. For the past few years I have sponsored the teens at church camp, and this is very important to my church. Please try your best to make arrangements for your children for the week of June 21-25, 2004. If you cannot find other arrangements I will ask an associate of mine if she will run the daycare for that week, depending upon if the parents are comfortable with this idea.


Infants to 2 years are $85 per week.
2 years and up are $75 per week.


There will be no hitting, spitting or biting. Any child who bites will be sent to time out for 3 minutes. After three instaces where marks are left on skin the child will not be asked back. This is to protect your children and also myself. Time out is the only punishment your child will recieve from me unless otherwise specified by parent(s).

Payment is due and expected on Friday each week when you pick up your child. This may be flexible if discussed with me and your situation calls for it.

In an emergency situation I will keep your child overnight. The cost for this will be as follows: $25 for infants to two years, $23 for two years and older. If the child sleeps the night through the price will be cut in half.

How to Reach Me:

Since this website is able to be viewed by thousands of people, I chose not to display my home address.
However you can reach the day care at (775)363-9569 or e-mail me at:

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Or you can sign the guest book and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
If you click on the "Private" button I will be the only one who can view your message, phone number, etc.