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     Tender Duplicity ::There's only one rule::
White Lies Never Hurt

"There was a girl...a very strange enchaunted girl. They say she wandered very far, very far..."

There once was a girl, born on the coast of a beautiful land who came into a world where originality was classified as insanity(but never knew it of course). She grew up thinking the world was a gorgeous rose on the edges of blooming, but that was until she saw the first petal fall; but with the wonderful haze of young nativity she thought nothing of it. She never thought once of how people are cruel, how they thrive on the things that make other weak, how they live on the salty taste of another’s tears. The girl never thought there would be anyone that mean, she never thought someone could be...

The world was a flower wilting, and she was dancing on the dew drops that collected in the middle, but abandonment, pain, anger, shock and the cold realization that she was alone began to creep up on the young girl. Her dreams were slowly fading away, and she realized that with each breath towards her becoming a young woman she could depend on no one. She couldn’t love, she couldn’t trust no matter how much she needed to. And yet she always found a way, she always poured her hopes into a single person without another thought of getting hurt to their benefit until she was slapped in the face with a surge of laughter. And for once she was angry, there was no Mommy or Daddy to go cry to and ask them to make everything better. She for once had to rise above on her own...alone.

Yes, insecurity had reared it’s ugly head and she was the one whom it stared at; put underneath the spotlight and been forced to tell the truth with a knot in her stomach and a lump in her throat.. “DO YOU DARE DENY IT!?! TELL THE TRUTH GIRL!!!” No... She’s lie to keep them away, She’d lie to save herself from the humiliation and pain. But how long would it be before one lie build itself into another, and another to where she’d be living in a hazy Tender Duplicity. A Sensitive Lie. A world that could crash around her at the very moment she began to stumble.

I dug my grave to say the least, and I dug deeper until one strange day a year and a half ago went I was violently woken up from my little Drama Queen world.

I don’t deny anything, I am a young woman now, on the outskirts of adulthood and no longer do I have the pleasant dreams of an 8 year-old wanting to become an actress. I find that now I don’t know anything of what I thought I knew. It’s all a mystery surrounded by my fears and do I have to face them? Yes, we all do, but no longer a little girl and no longer do I have the innocence that shields me from some of the pain...

The Cortisan

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