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                                         During my stay in Pittsburgh, I visited the University of Pittsburgh in Oakland that attracted

                                         many visitors for its unique architectures and perhaps for its academic prestige.


                                                    This is the Department of the mineral rocks in the Carnegie Museum of Natural History. There

                                                     were so many pretty colorful corals and crystals and different rocks on display. The kid

                                                    in front of me was shooting a picture of a big purple crystal shell which was really breathtaking.

                                                    This is the Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens.  There were different types of

                                                      cactuses including the big ones in Tucson.


                                                This is the statue of Christopher Columbus outside the Phipps Conservatory and

                                                Botanical Gardens.


                                              This 1893 Victorian glasshouse is a feast for the senses, offering a paradise of plants,

                                               butterflies, flowers and special exhibits throughout the year.


                                                This is the Hall of Architecture in Carnegie museum of Art which houses an extensive

                                                 collection of Impressionist, post-Impressionist, and 19th and 20th century American works,

                                                  as well as one of the world's few remaining halls of architecture.

                                                There's no better way to see Pittsburgh than from the water.  From Station Square,

                                                 you can set sail on a variety of riverboat tours, including family-fun cruises, candlelight

                                                 dinner cruises and shuttle services to the North Shore for sporting events.


                                                 This is one of the buildings on the campus of University of Pittsburgh.  This is a side door

                                                of the building called the Cathedral of learning, a historic landmark. 


                                                                The Cathedral of learning is the second-tallest educational building in

                                                                 the world--42 stories, 535 feet tall.  It houses the magnificent gothic

                                                                 Commons Room, classrooms with different decorations of nationalities,

                                                                  administrative offices, libraries, a computer center and a restaurant for

                                                                  many liberal arts departments.


                                                          This is still one of the side doors of the Cathedral of Learning.

                                                          Trivia tidbit:  The Cathedral of learning has 2,529 windows.


                                        Heinz Memorial Chapel is located on the University of Pittsburgh campus.  This nondenominational

                                        chapel features stained glass windows that are among the tallest in the world. 

                                                    The Chapel's modified cruciform plan, stone vaults, high ceilings, repeated arches,

                                                    and extensive use of glass are typical of American academic and religious architecture

                                                    from about 1900 until after the Second World War.  The Steeple, its slender top rising

                                                    253 feet above the ground, is indicative of the detailing that makes this diminutive Chapel

                                                    so spectacular. 


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