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Welcome To Our Home Page

We hope this page will help you to make an informative decision the next time you need to upgrade or repair your system or even get a custom system built just for you.

We do believe that the customer comes first! The first thing we ask you when you come in to purchase a system or have one built for you is "What are you going to do with it?" Why are we so nosy? Well, we want you to have just the right system to meet your needs and beyond.

If you just want to get on the internet to chat or write emails, you probably won't need a cdrw or dvd. You want what is necessary for you to do these things. You would get at least a 30g Hard Drive 7200RPM, 256-512mb RAM, 52x CD ROM, modem, floppy drive and at least a 16mb video. For you these are necessary.

If you want a system that will do all this and game too then we'll had a bigger hard drive, more video and more memory.

If you want to watch movies and maybe even burn discs then you'd get all the above plus a dvd/dvdrw or just a cdrw depending on your needs.

We are known as the "HOME OF THE HONEST HOUR". What that means to you, our customer, is that you never pay for time that isn't spent directly on your system. Many shops will charge you an hours labor when they have only worked on your system, hands on, for about half that time or less. We only charge for time actually spent on your system.

We also believe that a quote is a quote is a quote. Whatever we quote you for your repair or upgrade that will be the final cost to you. There are no hidden charges at Specialty Computers. If we make a mistake and find it will cost more to fix your system, we eat the mistake. How many shops can promise you that?

We also offer one 2 hr class after you purchase your system. Why do we do this? Many people don't know how to operate a dvd, dvdrw or a cdrw. We teach you! During that class you can also learn how to make files and folders, how to drag and drop and just about anything you need to know before you take your pc home. We want you to be informed!

Contacting us is easy. You can email us at, call us at 636-566-8358, fax us at 636-668-6038 or stop by our shop at 121 Old Troy Rd in Winfield, MO. We do ship nationwide also.

So please, if you don't try us first, at least try us. What have you got to lose?

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