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4/29/03 WoRD YO's!! Hi there and welcome!
This site belongs to quartknee and elysee!
I hope that you might just like it,
and if not there are many more websites out there for you!!!!like Work it! ~Quartz~

5/16/03 hey hey hey MOO! moo moo mr. cow!
haha quarts is being crazy trying to explain this editting stuff "NONONo it painful"
haha your name is NOT johnsoco your not a man BYe BYE!~Elise~

5*22*03Hey there... just being bored here sitting in school waiting for quartz
to get out just to say my last good-byes
but i know those good-byes won't be my last ones
well anyways finished with all my exams...
I'M FREE from school! well i needa go and call my mom to take me away sniff...sniff...
to tamie! there is no more grease in the cuboard! well laters! much luv!~Elise~

9*15*03 Hey omg i haven't been here in a while... i think i need to post up some pictures and stuff... i got pictures from the soccer game... well anyways... school is ok.. it is just not the same anymore! life goes on!... well must edit this site laters luv Elise~