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For those of you that don't know, Jukathi has left SC and gone to Forbidden Union.
I am still doing the updates on SC characters, and maintaining the SC website for now.

"Wisdom is knowing what to do;
Skill is knowing how to do it;
Virtue is doing it well."

Need updates on character info for the website roster. Please send me updates when you gain Levels, skills or add a new character.

"Wisdom is knowing what to do;
Skill is knowing how to do it;
Virtue is doing it well."

I don't know what nationality all of our members are, but for the Americans, Please remember our Leaders and our Troops that are overseas and give them your support and pray for them.
I hope this can be resolved quickly and effectively with minimal loss of life.

"Wisdom is knowing what to do;
Skill is knowing how to do it;
Virtue is doing it well."

Still looking for Screen Shots of all members. Please take some of your hunting buddies and send them to me. Need to be able to crop the pic to just one person, so screen rez should be high if possible.
Please remember the raid for Parryn, Sat 3-8-2003 after Guild meeting, 4:00 pm EST in CoM

"Wisdom is knowing what to do;
Skill is knowing how to do it;
Virtue is doing it well."

I guess "NO NEWS is GOOD NEWS".
Haven't recieved any news from anyone. Everyone seems to be pretty busy with RL, I know I am. Send me your Character updates, and any tips or news you would like to share in the comments part of character update.


Been awhile since I updated the news, but no one has sent anything to include in the news.
I have been pretty busy lately, so haven't tried to put anything in.
I have updated character info as it is being sent in.
I have added a screen shot of Jukathi in Shamans section. And add a link on the class of character in the roster. So, look at the roster for Jukathi and click on his class, which is Shaman, it will pull up the SC Shaman page. You will find a screen shot of Juk and a link to Shaman spells with descriptions. I plan to put more Shaman info in here at some point. If you would like to send me a screen shot for publication on this site, please do so. I will try to put it in the class sections. And any info for specific classes that would be helpful to others, send it to me and I will include it in your specific class pages also.


Been out of pocket again this past week.
I have updated those that sent in info, but haven't had time for anything else.
I did notice Bric has made level 55, Congratz.


Took a little while to put this together the way I wanted it, but here is the Guild Meeting Log for Jan 4, 2003.
Please take a look at it, review some of the issues we talked about. The login Id is scmember, everyone should know the password.
Lets also see what we can do to make meetings better for all
Please remember the raid tomorrow for Parryn, 11:00 am EST in CoM


Congrats to Cittiara on becoming our newest Officer.
Cittiara and Mougell are trying to put together some good guild raids very soon.
Raids in Grimling Forest last night went well, thanks to all who helped.


Happy New Year
I have finally gotten the information submitted posted to website, sorry it took so long, but during Holidays, the KIDS rule.
I have seen a lot of our members on and grouping together, lets keep it up and try to help each other out when possible.
There is a guild meeting this weekend, so plan to attend.


Magelo servers are back up this morning. Please go to the Magelo site and fix/create your character profiles as soon as possible. Then send me the links using the webpage Character update info form.


It seems Magelo is having some trouble with their servers. They say it will be back up today, but who knows. I will let you know when it comes back up.
Please sign up on Message Board for the Old Seblis Key event this Friday. Info is posted below on 12-16-2002.
Thanks for the help last night goes to Mougell, Kylaa, Healslave and Daethe of Diamond Phenoix. Quests are long and boring sometimes, but not last night, LOL.


For all of us that HAD a Magelo profile, the profile still exists, but no equipment is in the profile now.
Magelo has launched their new Magelo 2.0 program. Costs $12.00 per year.
This is the preimum service, but also have the Magelo 1.3.2 updater for thoes that don't want to pay for automatic update to Magelo profile.
Reguardless of which Magelo updater you want to use (Manual or Automatic) the old profiles are gone. You will have to re-enter you equipment into your profile if you don't pay for 2.0, or just download 2.0 updater preimum service and log in EQ for automatic update.
Both have new features, so hence, you have to re-enter equipment or buy the preimum service.
All this took place this past weekend, so if you haven't looked at Magelo profile lately, you need to now.
Remember, it is a requirement for membership in SC to create a Magelo profile, either free account or preimum account. Your choice.


Guild Activity Planned
Cittiara: I understand that many do not have the "key" to OS (OlD Sebilis) so I have been given permission to try and set something up. I would like to have a "Key Farmen Fiesta" this Friday evening.
Fyrsparkle: Cittiara is in charge of this event, loot rules and decisions are Cittiara's alone to make. Cittiara's instructions are to be followed to the letter.

Location: Trakanon's Teeth
Date/Time: Friday Dec 20th / 1100pm EST
Meeting Place: Nexus
Class Required: Porter/SoWer/Tracker
Level Restriction: 45+ / If minimum 6 show, restriction 40+
Est Event Length: 2-3 hrs


Good Luck to all those that are taking Final Exams this week and next week.
I am looking to put together a 50+ group or 2 groups to go to the Hole and kill High Scale Kirn. Fyr and I went with Forbidden Union the other night and learned how to work this zone some. We think we have a way to get thru city and to the spawn point without much problem, going to test this theory soon. If you can help with this please let me or Fyrsparkle know in game.
Getting a few character info updates, but not all the new members have filled one out yet. Please do this in next few days.


Hope everyone had a great Holiday.
We have several new members in SC, and I need to update the roster on this webpage. If you are new, please go to the member roster page and send me your character information by using the Charater Update page, fill it out and submit.


Haven't had any news lately, as you can see.
For those in the U.S. please remember our Veterans on Monday.


Just another reminder, Please send me your character updates when you level or have tradeskill increases. No one has sent me any updates in over 2 weeks, and I know some of you have at least gained a level or 2 during that time. Officers, if you guild invite someone, let me know who it is using the same update page, just make a statement in the comments section with vital info.


I have been very busy lately, so have not had time to update or post here.
Of course everyone knows PoP has been launched. I don't have any specific info to post here, other than that to be a member of a raid group, you must have PoP.
If you have any info that needs to be posted here, send it to me in comments section of the charater update page.


There was another patch yesterday. Alot was changed again, but most noticeable was the Beastlord class. Pets disappear when you zone, and some other things, so look at patch info when you login.
Got my new boots last night. Here is a link to see them, Black Fur Boots
Send me you RL B'day, just month and day, in the comments of Update Character, and I will post it on News, and on Calendar. By the way today is mine.


Congratz to Heelinfool on his DING to 45!!!
Jenvar to 32!
Jukathi to 46!

Thanks Scarred, Fyrsparkle, Tresi and Rranita of Lost Dragons for you invaluable assistance with Mistmoor last night.
I now have the Black Dire Pelt needed for the next part on my Epic quest.
I count this as some guild revenge on Mistmoor Castle. We went in, killed the Advisor and killed Black Dire and numerious other mobs. Scarred (Tanking Rogue) can "plow the row" when needed!!
We still have much revenge to get to equal the balance between SC and MM, but we were successful in getting some of our own back. Only 1 death, Juk by Black Dire which undercons big time, and is part of Shaman Epic quest.
I now believe SC CAN raid MM successfully any time, if enough show up for the raid.


Not much happened the last few days, so no News.
For thoes you that had a long weekend, like me, it was work at home on things that needed to be done. Still had some time for EQ though. Only saw about 6 members of SC on at one time the whole weekend though. Everyone must really be busy in RL.


There are a couple of posts on the Calendar for this Sat.
Take a look and see if you are available.


Good to see Scarred back!! He has his all his characters back, but alas, no equipment. Talk to him in game if you have something he can use or you would like to donate to him.
I Finished Part I of III parts in the Shaman Epic last night. For those of you that need help with part of your Epic Quest, sign up on the MB. Fyrsparkle has made a new topic for this under the Champions Pub.


Correction: Fyrsparkle only 54, for now.
I think I saw Tresi report that she is lvl 44 now, will update roster when confirmed by update post.

I have Updated the SC Charter to include our new Leader and Magelo Profile requirement.


Is 3rd time the charm?
CONGRATZ to Fyrsparkle on being our new GUILD LEADER!!!
Meeka has stepped down due to RL cutting into her play time.

Those that want to begin working on epics need to post on MB and Calendar with details of who, what, where, when. Same with RAID requests and Quests you need help with.
Special thanks goes to Fyrsparkle, Tresi, Mougell and Parryn for their much needed assistance and their patience with helping me complete the Qeynos Badge of Honor quest, which I now proudly wear.
Still don't have Magelo for:


CONGRATZ to Fyrsparkle on her DING to 55!!! Jagged Pines is XP heaven it appears, LOL.
Tegwien was killed in a automobile accident. He was the only one in the car. No further details at this time. It is very difficult to lose a friend, even if you never met them personally. I hope everyone will remember the good times you shared with Tegwien.


CONGRATZ to Fyrsparkle on her DING to 54!!!
I was the only one on for a while last night, and Ryushan asked if several of SC were online, Meeka, Vorce, Parryn, Bric. He said that his brother, Tegwien, had died. I have no details of how or what. Several of you probably knew him. Just want to let you know, and express condolances.


I have added 4 new fields to the character update page: Officer that invited, date character became a SC member, if an alt, what is Main characters name and Comments.
Everyone please go to this page and fill out the fields that need to be updated on the roster, or if there are changes to level, skills or times you normally play.
If you are new to SC and/or are not on the roster, fill out the update form and submit it.
These are the Main characters on the roster that I do not have a Magelo Profile for:



As most of you know by now, there was a Patch yesterday. VI has added 2 new heal spells, lvl 58, for Druids and Shaman. It also changed the way spell casting looks when casting. A by-product of this was characters locking up, this happened to me on both of my accounts 5 times, had to quit the game and try to re-enter the game.
The second patch, this morning, was to fix the patch on lockups and a couple of other minor problems.
Hope this helps.


I have not received any character update info in several days. Please goto the member roster page and submit update info for your characters. Changes include level advancement, trade skill increases and Magelo profiles for your characters!
Please create a Magelo profile for your alts also, even if you don't list all of your equipement in the profile.
The time for having at least your Main Character a Magelo Profile has ended, and I will have a list published here soon of those that are in danger of being booted from guild.


Most of you already know by now, but the level cap has been extended to level 65 with the Planes of Power expansion pack. It also adds some alt advancement points and methods to get them. If anyone has more info on this let me know and I will post it here.
I have added a page with my list of Shaman spells: What they are, what they do, cast times, and durations, etc. Good info for any Shammys out there. It is under links >> Shaman >> Shaman Spells. Take a look.


I have been on the road for the last few days, but I am back and have updated the roster with the information sent in.
If you want to download a custom UI, you can find them and instructions on how to install it at Custom UI
You have to register to download anything, but ther is no cost involved. And there are many different UI modifications you can use, which can include a pet window and health percents for yourself and party members.


I am moving the update page to the top of the roster page, but will leave the link in the news for awhile.


New Page Added

I have added a new page so that you can send me your character information by direct e-mail.
Please go to this page and fill in the blocks and hit send.

Please use this to update Char info for our roster!

For updates give name and just info that has changed, thanks


New Patch last night!!

  1. New key rings, but be careful with your keys for now (read full explination at EQ Casters)
  2. Druids/Wizards can now port to Luclin in several zones: Nexus, Dawnshroud, Grimling Forest, Twilight from anywhere.
  3. To see full list of info on patch, go to links page and select EQ Casters Realm, or Mobhunter.
  4. Another Patch already scheduled
    Brief Patch Scheduled for all EverQuest Servers. On Wednesday, August 21st, at 3AM PDT, (10AM GMT), all EverQuest servers will be brought down for a scheduled patch. The estimated downtime is 3 hours. - The EverQuest Operations Team.

Newbie Buffing Nite (Sat. Night at 9pm EST), please join us for this event.
All are welcome, even if you can't buff!!


I have given our webpage a new look!!
Hope you like it, best screen size is 1024 x 768 or higher. Although I have looked at it in 800 x 600 and it looks ok, you may have to use scroll bars more. You must have browser that can use frames. Netscape 4.0 / IE 4.0 or better. Everyone should have at lesat these browsers by now. Please let me know if you have problems with viewing the site.


Please go to the SC Member page, (link at Left), and click on the SC Forum button (blue button at top of page). The password needed to enter the forum is the same as members password on the MB. Please post any update information on character or Magelo links in this forum.


Several changes took places at the guild meeting last night:

  1. Characters MUST have a Magelo Profile by 9-01-2002. Link to Magelo is above.
  2. No Level limit for new guild members, but have a 1 month probation period.
  3. Gwedarus is the new "Master of Arms", he has "Sylsivain" to be a mule to act as armory. See rules about checking out items on MB.
  4. Anyone caught Scamming will be booted from guild immediately. This is Last WARNING!!!
  5. Check Calendar for upcoming events


Here is a Roster of SC Officers and Alts. Please update your characters with current information on the Message Board and I will include your Characters in this list.


Here is a page that will help customize your chat colors. Thanks Fyr.

Congratz to Meeka on Ding to level 51


Parryn's alt ego

EverQuest is a registered trademark
Ruins of Kunark, Scars of Velious, Shadows of Luclin, Planes of Power are
trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment America, Inc. ©2000

Updated 8-15-2002