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While asleep in my bed one night I was awaken by a strange glow coming from the bedroom window. As I sat up there was this small creature, standing at the end of my bed, she began speaking to me, she told me of a planet far away in another galaxy, Da Planet Of Da Dollz is its name.

She described a wonderful place, where although there are several different species on her planet all is peaceful. She explained to me that she had bought thousands of her kind here to bring tranquility among our masses.

During my encounter with the being from DA PLANET, she explained to me that her people were interchangable. That we could change them to suit our needs and our pleasures.

She wants me to share these peaceful creatures with you and your friends. So come in take as many of these peaceful ones as you like. She also left me with information of other humans like myself to whom she had visited, and left many of her kind, so I have created links to them for you to visit, create and take your own doll into your life.

These beings have bought me peace and harmony and I love them like my family. I hope they bring the same to you.

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