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December 12, 2006 So a whole year has gone by, HOLY COW! I meant to keep more up to date with this, but hey what can I say? Chacho is talking so so much more than he was before. He still says Coocoui. He can count to 12 now, in English and Spanish. He talks too much to even type, but likes to color, and watch Spongebob, Elmo, Daddy Day Care, The Sandlot (Yeah-yeah), Toy Story 1&2 (Buzz), Crocodile Hunter Movie, The Flight of the Navigator... um. He just loves movies. We are trying again to get him to go on the potty, this past weekend I actually got him to go 3 times, and the last time, he got on himself, took his own diaper off and everything! He wears a size 7 shoe and a 5-6T. He is getting so big and very tall. He likes to sit and converse with his aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents as those are the people he is around the most. Here are some pictures!

Work is going well, I actually just started going back to school on November 26th, I'm going to finish my Associates. I got 2 jobs, working at OSL and Vega Massage still. So I got a full plate, but I can do it, and more! lol. So 2006 was a crazy year, and hopefully 2007 will bring a lot of happiness into out lives. Oh also, Jessica moved in with us in Missouri, so we're all having alot of fun, and she's going to be starting school soon. So Goodbye 2006, hello 2007!

December 12, 2005 More Pics! Some of Chacho's new words, or sayings are, (after he's farted) "I fart!", "ooooh caca", "Pee-pee", (after we turn off the lights) "Ohhh-wee coo-coui" (the spanish word for monster, not sure how to spell), "1-2-3!", we say "A is for" and he says "Apple." we say, "B is for" he says "Bike." and c of course is for "Chacho!" He says "Cookie" "Elmo" "Spongebob" "Doggy" and "Jacket" he is learning new stuff alllllllll the time man, all the time.

My cute boy, sittin in the van with his mohawk, lol

As you can see he is not happy, and he is pointing because he does not want me to take the picture.....

He is str8 chillin, lol

Merry Christmas from Chacho!!!!

November 22, 2005 Here are some more pics like I promised!!!!!!

And look whos on the poooootty!!!!!!!!

November 18, 2005 HOLY COW!!! IT'S BEEN A YEAR AND DAY, AND I AM FINALLY UPDATING........ so sorry, I forgot the password, and one day it just came to me. So, wow, Chacho is so big right now, and he does so much more than he did a year ago. He says, "apple juice", "car", "cold", "mom", "dad", "kickin it", "Hi", "Bye", "ca-ca", "ashley (dog)", "chewie" (cat), "mattie"(moms dog), "ringo" (bros dog), "jessca" (his auntie), "milk", "wa-wa", "NO", he is just waaaaaay more advanced than he was a year ago, he sings patty-cake, patty-cake, he dances, he does soooo much it's crazy. He's a quarter potty trained, he goes caca in the toilet, flushes it and then says "I DID IT!" You just gotta catch him first.

More pics of Chacho coming soon, I swear

Also, I was talking last year about going to school, today is my last day. I have completed the Massage Therapy Program, and am looking into starting a small business/partnership with my friend Carrie. Her business is called Vega Massage, and mine is Cloud 9 Massage. We are looking to rent out a loft in downtown Kansas City for our office, and can't wait til everything gets up and running. Here are some pics from my graduation.

This is me, my brother and sister

This is me and Chach on my 20th Birthday (5-6-05)

Don`t we look estatic?

This is me and Chach on the baby's 1st birthday.

March 12 Was My Birthday

That is the pic we used for his cake


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November 1, 2004


To Vallejo Rapper, But Kansas City Fave, Mac Dre. I'll miss your music bro, and your movies, you were always a funny ass dude. I'm in Motion.

October 15, 2004

I actually have 2 announcements!!!

1. Chachito got his very first tooth last night!! Whoo hoooo! It's on the very bottom! He keeps messing with it... whatta cutie... I'll have pics soon.

2. I start school on Monday. It's been a long time waiting, and finally I get to go back. I was kind of nervous Wednesday night, actually thinking about dropping about... then we went and got some chinese, and I swear to God, guess what my fortune cookie said? "You Will Be Successful Someday." So my confidence is at it's all time highest. I can't wait!

OCTOBER 5, 2004

My Uncle Leon passed away this morning. He was truly one of my very very favorite uncles. Before I even moved to Kansas City, when I would come down here and stay for a week or so, I would stay with him and his family. He would always make a big breakfast in the morning, and would always have everyone laughing. I'm just sad to see him go. I know I will miss him a lot.

OCTOBER 4, 2001

I'm sitiing here with Chachito as I type, trying to teach him a thing or two about computers. So far he knows how to hit the keys.


He typed that. Then turned off the music. And we were playing his favorite song.

provided by

Anthony Hamilton - Charlene

SEPTEMBER 23, 2004


I haven't updated in a while, sorry. But I got some great pics of Chachito. My Mom bought him a new excersaucer, but it's shaped like a car.

Look at my baby boy!!!! Goodness he is too cute.

Oh yeah and I got my hair cut.

SEPTEMBER 21, 2004


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SEPTEMBER 18, 2004


(Moe is on the right, I am on the left, duh)

SEPTEMBER 16, 2004

Today is Chach Sr's Birthday!!! He's 24! Baby I love you so much! I'll have to call your mom up today and thank her for giving me the sexiest, kindest, smartest, and most loving man I know. I love you so much, I thank God every day for blessing me with you.

Doesn't Big Chach look just like Chachito???

SEPTEMBER 14, 2004

I just got this picture today, it's my best friend, Deanna AKA Moe's nephew Diego. He is tooo cute! I had him over at my house a few months ago. I remember that kid when he was army crawling across the floor on Christmas, and now look at him.

SEPTEMBER 12, 2004

Another birthday?!?!? I wanted to wish my sister in law Noemi a happy 22nd birthday! (I heard you got drrrrrrrunk!) lol.


Also I wanted to wish my nephew Dominic a very happy 13th birthday. We went out to Manny's to eat. It was really nice. I got La Gordita. And I felt like one after I ate it too.

But there he is, what a cutie right? Man Dominic, you are going to be such a lady killer. I can't wait 'til you get older so I can see what a great guy you grow up to be. Take good care of all your bros. and sisters, you're the one they'll always look to.


Chachito doesn't really like his vibrating thing anymore. His Kick-n-Play. He loves to sleep in it, but playing? I think it bores him now. But someone sure loves it when I leave it on.


Happy Birthday to my little sister Sarah.... holy cow, 15! I remember my 15th birthday party with the family I had such a hang over.... I mean headache.... yeah yeah headache, it was unbelievable. In my 15th year I accomplished a lot, I moved to another state (from tiny town in Minnesota to Kansas City Kansas), met my "Baby's Daddy" aka my husband, and met friends that I will never forget and still talk to today. I can only wish you more than what I had.... except for meeting your future baby daddy, haha, you can wait on that one for a while! But I hope you have more laughs, less tears, and enjoy every bit of it, because before you know, you wake up and your 19, working every day in a loan office, with a 6 month old and a husband, it's not bad or anything, but enjoy it while it lasts!


We got a dog! It's my old dog, Cheddarbob's puppies. Cheddarbob died the day after the 4th of July this year. I would have barely got him about a year ago. But he got my cousin's dog pregnant right before he died, and now Chach brought home of the puppies yesterday. We're thinking about naming her Cheddah.

She's too cute, right?

Hey I just got a Guestbook, so those who would like to sign it, please do.
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AUGUST 30, 2004

When I picked Chachito up from the babysitters I didn't notice anything until I took him to the Tire Shop. It looked like he had a pretty bad rash, not all over, just like under his neck, and his body. His legs and arms were fine. But Chach and his mom convinced me to take him to the doctor, being as how it was after 6pm, I had to take him to the ER of Children's Mercy Hospital.

Some of the kids around us were kinda noisy, and fussy, so that made Chachito fussy. Being as how I had the *new* Sprint Picture Phone, (Sprint, if you're reading this, I hope you send me a free one for th plug!!!) I started taking pics......

This is me and him....

See, at first he was kinda grumpy, wasn't too impressed by anything at that point.

But then he cracked a smile.....

And then he started talking to the camera.....

Then he was making faces.......

Then they called our name. They never know how to say his first name. Valdinio. It sounds how it looks. Val-Deen-Yo. I just tell them to call him Chach. But, see Chachito was sick on Tuesday, had a little fever, and everything, and they said sometimes after their fevers break, they get a little viral rash. It doesn't bother them or anything, just means they're getting better. It actually went away by the next day. But better safe than sorry I always say!

Side Note: I would like to apologise to my Father-In-Law..... he had to correct me... I spelled my own son's name wrong!! But I think I should get some credit because I corrected it on his birth certificate.....

AUGUST 24,2004

It's been a little bit since I last posted, but Chachito has been learning a lot. Currently he's trying to learn how to hold his bottle. He's just about got it, he just needs to learn to keep it still. Last night he fell asleep holding it!

LOOK AT MY BABY! lol. I can't get over the fact he's getting sooo big. and to think, he was born only 5 lbs 2.7 oz. He was sooo tiny. And now he's a monster! lol.

But he goes to the baby sitter with his cousins, Angel, Mario and Sacred. Angel always calls him, "Baby Chacho." But currently I'm is tryna get ready to start school next month. *crosses fingers* We'll see how it all works out though. And then a year from now I'm is going to take you to the Reservation and get you an Indian name. Mine is Anung-Minee-Mooyahs.... which means 'Mother of the Stars.' Nice, huh? hahaha.

AUGUST 8, 2004

Chachito came back!!! Man, I drove (okay I didn't drive, Grandpa Sanchez and Rose drove, while I sat in the back with the DVD player watching Cheech and Chong with Aunt Jessica) 12 hours to Wilmington, Ohio, from 6 pm to 6am, and then 12 hours back, from 6:30am to 6:30pm. Me and Chach missed him soooo sooo much! What a big boy he is! And boy has he learned a lot of baby talk!! He even learned to growl, haha.

AUGUST 2, 2004

Amanda's grandma, Marina Hernandez passed away this morning. I believe she was 65 years old. But during her 65 years, she had 21 children. Amanda's dad was the youngest boy. But she had suffered from a stroke a few weeks ago, paralyzing her left side. Then another one a little over a week ago, this one affecting her right side. She left the world peacefully though, with her surviving children by her side, as well as her loving husband, Lino. I know she is seated at the right hand of God, getting up with the sun, her soft hands are now tending God's roses, in Heaven.

JULY 27, 2004

Chachito is gone with Grandma still. He left July 17 @ 8:15am. But he's having a great time! Grandma got him off formula, and is having him eating cookies, cereal, baby fruit cups and all kinds of stuff! I even got to talk to him on the phone, and Chachito was laughing and gooing and oohing and ahhing. But, Mom and Dad are having fun too! July 24th they went with Dominic, Alexis, Moe, Lisa and Nicole to go see Keith Sweat, Freddie Jackson, Adina Howard and Ready For The World!! Momma even got to hear her song, "Right Way To Love Somebody," and "How Deep Is Your Love."

These are pictures of my son, Chachito, at 4 months old, 15 lbs and 24 1/2 inches long.

My Son Has Really Good Genes! And I'm not talkin' Levis!!! lol

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