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Happy Birthday, Vorfinia!

The dazzling shifter can be spotted as you approach, leaning against a towering oak, decked in the normal attire of tawny leathers and lir gold with arms crossed idly over her chest and legs crossed just so. A bemused and impish smile dances on the corners of the Cheysuli's lips as golden orbs find you in sight.

"Well, I'm glad to see you made it, Vor. I was hoping you wouldn't let all the other birthday bashes discourage you from attending this year's...Oh, not to worry, no critters and no bumbling bands, no flittering foods and no rhyming emcees...Just a good old fashioned scavenger hunt for your gift.

Now, it's just a forest, so I'm sure you'll manage fine. Elite elven senses like yours and all. Follow the clues and you're bound to end up where you're supposed to. If you get lost, I suggest back tracking...Whenever you have the nerve, get your sexy self into the woods..Oh, and here's a bit of trail mix and honey mead to tide you over. Good luck and happiest of birthdays, sweetness."

There, the Cheysuli breaks typical racial stoicism to grin and kiss your cheek, slipping off into the opposite direction, leaving you to face the wooded entrance alone.