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heyo`s life treatin` ya? the weather is so freakin` HOT these dayz...the my fuking skool doesn`t even turn da AC on..sigh...I dun even know why I am writin` this here...and I hope u enjoy ma page neway...and come back not later...soon~ oh wait...the phone is ringing...(back)sigh...I just wanna warm u gurls out man is worth ur tears and when u find one...he will never make u cry...ok? c-ya around if ya wanna chat or whatever...u can send me a note or ICQ # is down here..u can give me an "uh oh" or MSN messager PLX TELL ME IF UR MY 1000TH HIT...OKIE DOKIE? THANKq
Name: ask me if ya want aka: gum mo &Q Age: turnin`16 soon Sex: 100% the oppsite of male Status: solo B-day: June 14th "hint hint" Faith: Christianity Height: about 5ft3 (I am short) Weight: 110 (I am fat) Width: I am not a TV Teeth: didn`t count but more than 10 Hair Color: Half long black...half blond highlightz Eyes Color: DarkBrown(I wear blue contact Lenz) Location: Nationality: Cantonese Ugly: Yes sushi & orange Fav.drink: water Fav.colour: silver & pink Fav.Singer: Joey Yung & Eason Chan & Jordan Chan Fav.Bands: LMF & 4 In Love Fav.Songs: Love is...& Pain Love & Absolute & Print My Heart & Senses etc. School: ACCI for those of u dunno know where it`s in Scarb. for those of u dunno where that`s in Toronto..for those of u don`t know where that`s in Canada...for those of u dunno where that is...THEN I CAN`T HELP U Likes: Sleep~ Talk on the fone~ Chat~ Chill with friends~ Take sticker pics~ BB-tea~ Napster~which is music Hates: Skool~ Homeworkz~ Tests~ Quizzes~ Loserz~ People who doesn`t no when to shut up~ People who ask 2 many questions~ Bugz~ Housework~ Cook~ Clean~ everythin` related to skool~ ppl who talks sh!t~ and ppl who doesn`t sign my bookie I`ll add more l8er

u c da world is out dere waitin` 4 me da`s y I wanna be as free as can be I no da u been good n u been sweet so dun put up afight just let it be Well I hope 1 day while I`m missin` u n so will u be finkin` of meThen we can be 2gether n laugh `bout da past `cause da luv is still dere 4 u n me GIRLS Amy (aka:fa mo)-hey girl...remember 2 do ur hwkeveryday ar ok? (except for math,cuzI want u to go to summer skool with me kekeke)j/k...Iknow that u`ll find a newboi dun worry about it..I knowu always do...4get aboutu know who...if u wanna talk...u knowthatI`m always here 4 u...ok?muah~ Amy (aka:hownmo) I am tellin` uar...4get about that guy la...there are alot out there waiting for u gah...maybe u should give a chance to u know who..ahhaa..ok ok..I`ll stop...dun be so down ok? and hope u meet more guys in yahoo la..hahaha j/k...gimme a call when u need me k? muah..luv ya Becky(aka:fut fut mui)-yo...deem ar...u have to take care of urself ar..dun always get sick...and when u go to rave..becare there ok? u know we all care about u gah mah...I`m glad that u had good time at ur b-day...hope ur happie me sometimes..k? luv ya~ Sherlyn (aka:Padeipig)-hey mom! u know I always loveu gah...and I always need ur help as well..hahaa..ur so good in school so jealous..keep up the GOOD work..although u alreadyhave more than 90%...hope that we gonna have all the classes together next year!if u ever need to always be here for u k? and remember our shop ar!muah~! Mariza(aka:darkangel)-yo bach~! hahaa..mej/k...u knowwe have joke aroundwith each other...u havevery freakin` nice long hair..gimme some..j/ glad we became good friends..but u gotta call me more and we go out more OK?? promisebor! luv ya alot... Davy (aka:louiskool)-hey gah jeh! u promised me to go summer skool with me gah ok?? and..and...u have to ok?? kekekee..meso bad..I know that ugonnafind ur Mr.right geh ok? dun worry..I know uwill...and dun 4get to say HI tome in the hallways..otherwise...I gonna give u THAT look gah..hopewegonna havesome classestogether! muah~ JuneT AmyC JamieN Karen(s)JanetsC WinnieZ SheedaW JoJoC MichelleC HoiYee KallyC YafangX JulieM JenniferN DonnaL QueeineT CarolY KittieK Mingming Cindy(s)JaneH MaggieZ JanP LauraM CrystalN WendyW TracyL SandyD BonnieW Angel(s) Carmen(s) JessicaW Melanie Ken(s)Kenny(s) GodfreyL StevenL TimY GregW Johnny(s) StanyZ DavidZ JeremyL Alan BennyC BensonQ Alex(s)YuJin Frank JimmyC Peter Apr.21st/01/5:26pm

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