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COME AND BEHOLD THE FAT LAZY BEARDED IGNORANT SLOBS OF MISSOURI COUPLES......AONDER IN AMAZEMENT AS THEY KICK OUT PEOPLE YOUNGER THAN THEY ARE (And there must be something wrong if they don't want to have sex with someone younger and better looking than they are) GASP IN AWE AS THEY MAKE FUN OF PEOPLE THEY DON'T KNOW AND TALK BEHIND THEIR BACKS (Only retards do this seriously people I mean come on) AND GASP IN SUPRISE AS YOU VIEW THESE PICTURES AND VOMIT!!!!!!

Let's start with the people I have so far.....Here's a short List of crotchety mean ass people/couples who don't have enough sense to realize that sagging skin and fat cells aren't sexy...I will be reviewing each of them as I go down the page but feel free to mass email ot IM them anything you want if permissions permit...Send them naked pics too lots of namked pics of the ugliest and nastiest shit you have ever seen.....Title it My PIc or

This is The Missouri Couples room for those who wish to try and wait out the bolt or just cause some havok

Special Interests - Missouri Couples
Now here's the first 3 of the pics I have...Tell me what you think
