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Poem Of Love:

I love you. Like no other before, or any other will after.
For so long my heart has not known love, until you showed me what it was again.
With you, just your voice can make my gloomy days bright. I not know why you love me so, nor why I love you so.
But in turn should one really ask why the sun sets and the moon rises??
Yet know with no doubt, that I love you, always and forever.
Through good times. Through bad times. Every time you leave me, my heart yearns for your return.
When your gone for yet a short time, feels as though an eternity has passed. I love you so.
I would give you the stars if they were mine to give.
I pray that you never leave me. For I fear my heart would collapse without your love.
When I am with you nothing else matters, not war nor famine, not any other will I allow between us.
You have my heart, please take care, for it is fragile.
I believe with you it shall never know the pain of life without love. Nor shall it ever be alone.
I have known a life without love, least until now.
It is no life at all, merely an existence. Unsuitable for any life to live.
I miss you so much, like the flowers miss the rain. With you I am finally whole.
You fit in my heart where so many have tried. But none ever have nor will.
You are my one, my only, my soul mate, my true love whatever you may call it.
Yet in the end I know, with no doubt that you are the one.
You are every thing I have ever wanted and all I will ever need.
May fate smile and grant me this one wish, to be with you, never separated, never alone with out you.
The love I feel for you is eternal.
And when the day comes, that I must cross the river Styx, I pray you are at my side.
As we meet the ferryman hand in hand, and in good spirits, for no other reason then we are together.

Know this, if nothing else, that everything I have said is true,
and that I shall love you, through anything and everything.
That you shall never be replaced in my heart.
Please my love, be with me until this planet dies, until the star's lights are
extinguished, until the universe with all it's expanse, collapses and dies out.

I love you, always have and I always shall, my one, my only, my love.

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