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     3D Art/Animation

     3D Art/Animation

    Work In Progress
     The Interview
     Ex-Smokers logos

    About Me

     Free Domain Name -

Welcome to Igloo3D What's New

Igloo3D is a site where I will be showing my work. Both art and development projects will feature here.
I will also be using this site to post tutorials, again for both art and development, so that I can hopefully help others with their projects.
As this is an evolving site, please feel free to come back to see what has changed and been added.

*** Warning - this site is very graphics intensive ***

Mark Oxley

WOW! Big change. Welcome to the new site. I now have a new domain, much better than the angelfire site.

Afraid there's not been any updates for a while. I recently acquired a copy of Realsoft 3D and am currently putting it through its paces. I'll be posting some new stuff soon.
Changed the animation files to Flash movies. This should stop incompatibilities that have been brought to my attention.

Added a new animation. Just a test of something I was playing with. It can be found here

I have now finished with the pumpkin. The still created from it can be seen on the 3D Art/Animation Portfolio. I have now begun work on a new short, called The Interview and some forum logos for Also, a new tutorial detailing the keyboard shortcuts for Animation:Master
New image added to the 3D Still Portfolio
New tutorial to hide an application from the taskbar
Added tutorial to show how to run a program on Windows startup
Began work on a new development project. Details can be found on the Programming WIP page
6/9/03 Began work on a new model. Details can be found on the 3D WIP page
31/8/03 Added an About Me page
30/8/03 Added secure comm's tutorial
30/8/03 Added XOR encryption tutorial
30/8/03 Site created and portfolio's added

Image Of The Month

Bilbo's Home

Unless otherwise stated, all images on this site are copyright © Mark Oxley