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Sally, The Butterfly Angel

Left in a crate with nothing
But a note and can of food,
Sweet Sally waited patiently
Until she was rescued.
A church in Massachusetts
Is the place where she was found;
This Papillon without a past
Would not go to the pound.

Some kindly people made sure
She was taken to the vet,
And what they learned there wasn't good,
And would get much worse yet.
Her age was quite advanced
And her trachea was weak,
She had a heart that was too large
And they could not save her teeth.

They fixed her up as best they could
They even saved one tooth!
But no matter what they did for her
They could not restore her youth
The Rescue Angels wondered
If there was a soul out there,
Who'd take this little creature in
Who needed so much care.

Sometimes a thing is meant to be
Right from the very start,
As when Bonnie first saw Sally
And she went straight to her heart.
So when they met in person
It came as no big surprise...
Sally had found her forever home;
She could see it in Bonnie's eyes.

Sally was quite reserved at first
And she kept her distance some.
Not one to kiss and cuddle much,
But Bonnie knew that would come.
So Sally warmed up gradually
And soon found Bonnie's lap,
And when she wanted placed there
She would give a decisive "yap"!

When Sally had her good days
She would dance across the room;
Entice you with a game of chance,
And wag her pretty plume.
One day she grabbed an onion ring
Dropped on the kitchen floor;
She ran all through the house with it,
Then lost at tug-of-war!

She was the light of Bonnie's life,
But soon the good days would wane.
Trips to the vet and medicine
To try and ease Sally's pain.
But there was no prescription
to heal Bonnie's aching heart,
Knowing soon that she and Sally
Would have to be apart.

There came a chance to share
This gentle soul and let her shine;
A Rescue Parade in Houston
Would be the perfect time.
The crowd was hushed as Sally
Made her way into the ring;
She looked up into Bonnie's face
Saying, "Thanks....for everything."

The days and nights grew longer
After that, Sally's last hurrah.
More pills and doctor visits;
Bonnie knew it wasn't long.
Rosalyn and Lolly sensed
That Sally's time was near;
They took turns saying their good-byes,
Though Bonnie couldn't hear.

There comes a time when all of us
Must walk into the light,
But Sally wasn't going
Without a valiant fight.
She put up quite a battle
But was losing in the war;
And she would let her Bonnie know
When she could fight no more.

Her spirit goes on living
Until this very day;
It's kept alive in hearts of those
She's touched along life's way.
The pitter-pat of her tiny feet
No longer heard on earth;
She tiptoed 'cross the Rainbow Bridge,
Now that is where they're heard.

That last year spent with Bonnie
Was the best of Sally's life.
The sparks of joy and happiness
Almost cancel out the strife.
And Bonnie wouldn't trade it,
Although the pain was great;
Sally wasn't just a pet,
She was a true soulmate.

Someday you'll make that journey
To your final destiny,
And when you near the Rainbow Bridge
Look closely and you'll see -
A smiling little Pappy face,
Her head cocked at a tilt;
And hear that little pitter-pat
Of Sally's happy lilt.

- Lori Elias, 2001

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