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Monet went to the land of the rainbow bridge November 2001. He was in our little family for just a short while. But in that brief time, he was a very bright light in our home. I decided in the very early part of that year to adopt another Papillon as a companion for my precious Sydney. Sydney is what I renamed Mikey, he is my first Pap Rescue and I adore him very much! A very sweet easy going older gentleman, very elegant and self-reliant in his manner and this new name suits him fine.

Monet came to us through the generous suggestion of Lori Bovee. Sydney and I drove to meet him and Lori. The boys hit it off right away. He jumped into his new crate next to his new brother just like he had done it all his life. The first few months were a little tricky. His stocky appearance and stouthearted stance were a reflection of a very strong willed Pap. He even nipped at me once when I grabbed him unexpectedly from behind. And there were some marking problems, nothing that couldn't be corrected. Gentle but firm won him over and he soon became my sweet little boy.

As we grew to know each other's personalities, our Puppers (Monet's new name) became more relaxed and happy. He no longer had the look of uncertainty about his surroundings. He started acting like this was his true forever home. I started calling him Puppie because he was so childlike and endearing in his ways. He would reach up with both front paws like a toddler wanting to be picked up. At mealtimes, he would spring up and down like a puppy one eighth his age. Each night as we settled into bed, he always gave me a bath on my hand. When we woke in the morning, he would always do three quick yawns and one great big long one. He was Syd's right hand man.

Everything was going great and all seemed fine. Then one morning, Puppers just didn't want to get off the bed for breakfast. He was short of breath panting like he had just run a mile and when he tried to eat his food it just sort of dropped out of his mouth. I was panic stricken! I immediately called the vet and took him in. His white blood count was out of sight and his red blood count was dangerously low to the point that the next day a blood transfusion was suggested.

Puppers did rebound the next day after the transfusion but soon it was apparent that something more insidious was going on. Something was consuming even his white blood cells. In a matter of days, he went from bouncing like a tigger to merely sitting up weakly. We soon discovered his bone marrow was being attacked and the vet said chemo might help but probably not. I made the choice to bring him home and provide all the love and comfort Syd and I could afford him. It was the most heartbreaking weekend in recent memory. Sydney was so very glad to see Puppers. I had never seen his little Pap tail wag so vigorously.

If all the love in the world could have brought Puppers back to us, it would have happened that weekend. At times, the weekend was horribly long and fearful and other times there little sparks of hope. In the end, it was hemolytic anemia that claimed him and there was nothing to be done. We will never forget our wonderful Puppers! He was our chunky little monkey and we will love him for ever!

Georgia and Sydney

Monet and his brother, Sydney

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