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Little Bit

Dan & Di Thompson

Little Bit & Eggroll, the cat

This is me in my Mommy's office...I'm working hard, huh???
My name is LittleBit and I came into my forever Mommy & Daddy's lives on July 5, 2001. My foster Mom & Dad, Diana and Jim Hamilton, took time out from a family reunion we had flown halfway across the country to attend to personally deliver me to them. I turned two years old on March 10, 2001. I kind of spent my first two years cooped up in a basement, but my foster Mom & Dad helped me come out of my shell.

I think my forever Mommy & Daddy, Dan & Di Thompson, fell in love with my freckled nose and cute face. I'm a really happy Pap now, am completely housebroken and don't have very many of those fear issues I once had.

OK...OK...So, I sleep alot!!!
I weighed about 13 pounds when my Mommy took me to the vet so they make me eat greenbeans in the evening now. Good thing I like them!!! They're trying to get me to lose a pound or two because I have a grade one patellar luxation (my Mommy taught me to say that). They make me take Glucosamine and Ester-C too.

I have an "adopted" brother, a 3-year-old Papillon named Zip, who came from a nice lady breeder in Virginia. Zip's birthday is July I got to be here to help him celebrate! I like him pretty well, except he doesn't really play a lot with me yet :o(. Although, he DOES like to zoom with me! We are trying to make a path in my new Mommy's carpet, down our hallway! I also have a big sister, Angel, who is a 6-year-old mixed breed and I have two cats -- Sabrina, who endures me and Eggroll, who likes to play with me! I'm really glad Tammy, Lori and Diana and Jim rescued me so I could be in my new home!

Little Bit & Zip

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