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Wings, Maggie, Scotti & Squirt

Connie Myers

from top: Wings, Maggie & Scotti

Maggie's Story

We became the proud owners of our first Papillon, Wings, in September 1997. Not only did the Lays' potato chip syndrome hit soon after (You can't have just one!), but Bob also envied the bond Wings and I shared and wanted that with a Papillon of his own. A lot of people whose advice we respect suggested a female would get along better with our "alpha" male. About this time, Lori Bovee was fostering two sweet little paps, a male and a female. The had virtually no socialization and had not even seen sunlight! (The squinted the first time they were outside!) They were "colorful" dogs....yello fur and green teeth, but Lori's love and care quickly got them started on the road to recovery both physically and emotionally. God then blessed us again in Nobember 1998 when Lori trusted us to become Mis Maggie Mae's "Forever Family", (Maggie's brother also went on to "rescue" Patty Perkins at the same time!)

It was indeed "love at first sight" when Bob first saw Maggie and held her all the way home (about a three hour drive). When we got home, Wings accepted her immediately--with only one bark when he saw her on neutral ground. They have "best buddies" ever since.
The work was not over yet, though. Maggie and Corky have such a history that NO living being should EVER have to endure. They are both receiving so much love to try to compensate for that. Maggie is learning that she is loved and wanted. She is moving from a VERY shy girl who would tremble at all new experiences to a more secure, happy pappy. When sh first started Kindergarten Puppy class, she would not even come our from under the chair. By the time of her graduation, she was playing and giving wonder "butterfly kisses". I think her two favorite words now are "outside" and "cookie". She used to get terribly sick to ride in the car for only five minutes, but will now willingly jump in on command, wagging her lovely white tail.

Although she didn't get to join her brother at the Rescue Parade (hopefully in 2000!), she is still a "Champion of OUR Hearts". She gives us the most wonder "Welcome Home" greeting, has a glossy, white coat, pearly white teeth and a sort of perpetual smile on her face. Our goal is to provide only WONDERFUL experiences for the rest of her life. Like Wings, Scotti and our mixed breed Squirt, she demonstrates "unconditional love" every day!

Scotti Wins!!!

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