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Casper, Lenny & Gizmo

Tammy Tackett

Casper came to live with me on October 31, 1998, hence the name! He is a sweet boy and seems to take all of the "comings and goings" in my house in stride, he has even bonded so tightly with Lenny and Gizmo that it is almost uncanny. My Boyz are always meeting new Papillons, they play and have a good time with all of them but it is obvious that they are a "family".

Lenny was known as Jack while in foster care with PCA. His foster mom was Judy Hill and her daughter, Cathy. He was surrendered to PCA Rescue in November, 1999. Lenny was born in a puppymill in South central Missouri, the conditions were poor to say the very least, he was just 5 weeks old and very sick! Judy and Cathy nursed him back to health. He came to live with Casper & I on January 1, 2000.....we named him Millenium Jack to make his foster mommy happy!!!

Gizmo was surrendered to PCA Rescue by his former owner because of a lifestyle change. He came to foster care with another Papillon, Patches, they both came to my house for fostering and it soon became apparent to me that Gizmo was HOME. He just fell into place with my other Boyz and was obviously comfortable and happy with us! Gizmo is now almost 11 years old and doing very well!

Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims, their families and all who are hurting from the terrible tragedy of September 11, 2001....

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