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Pat Jagodzinski
Pat was born in St. Joseph and has lived there all her life. She graduated from UMKC School of Pharmacy in 1983. Pat set out to change the profession of pharmacy into one that provided real patient care. She received many local, state, and national awards for innovation and was frequently asked to speak to other pharmacists. She was one of the first pharmacists to become a Certified Diabetes Educator. This is still predominantly a nurse certification. She was one of few (or maybe the only) pharmacists to receive Medicaid payment for home visits to help asthma patients. She has been a pharmacy manager and owner. What more could she want?

In 1999, she began to ask these questions: 1) Despite all this apparent success, why are the patients not really getting well? 2) Why does most drug treatment only work temporarily? 3) Why are children getting more diseases? 4) Why are Americans so sick when they spend the most on health care? 5) Why am I getting less healthy when I am the most compulsively compliant patient on the earth?

Pat then began a fervent search to find the secret of health. She had no idea she would find it! As the journey continued the answers became simpler and simpler. It all boils down to this: The human being has the healing power within. Westerners spend all their time and money preventing it from doing its job. Pat has personally found this power and is excited to teach others how to find theirs.

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