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My little bro, letting ya know how he feels about pictures!

This is MONZUKI before the cage install. Man it will be great to run with out a targa.

And here is a picture of me welden on the cage. Every notice that when you are welden you feel like a real man. Then when you are done and turn the welder of and clean your welds you start to feel like a woman because you can notice every little mistake you made. Then your buddie smacks you in back, and reminds you that you weld alot better than him. {Oh and ladies I didn't mean to offend ya on that statement. So just switch the man and woman places and feel good, but don't forget to smile.}

To start off with this the the cage peices I got off rockrat. And to let ya know. I am a big guy and the targa bar clips my shoulders. So with my cage I desided not to run a targa bar. Oh here the big thing, I am a big cheap _ _ _... So yes i will cut and weld stock parts to make my cage the way i want it.

Here is the cage somewhat welded together. You can see the 4 spreader bar welded in (For those that do not know what a spreader bar is, it is the bar that runs from the front hoop to the main hoop or in my case the stock roll bar). You will also notice the bar bar that is welded to the stock roll bar. It is for my 5pt harnesses and is also a laterial support bar (side roll). It is made from a spare under dash bar. Yes the bar the radio mounts to. I like the way it looked, because it wraps my mustang seats to a tee.

Here is the wrap around look I love of the underdash bar gave me.

Now for even more money saven ideas. This bar is the stock over head connector (i.e. spreader). If you notice the top bar you will see it is cut into 4 peices. The L shape peice will be welded to the cage to hold the windsheild in place. The straight bar will be used for bracen/grab handles, and the tab with the hole in will be used for the 5pt mount. And yes I stated 4 in the beginning you will notice that there is the peice that goes from the straight bar to the tab. This piece was chanked into the neighbors yard, cause his wife wants me to go in the house every night at 8 pm she she can read before she goes to bed. Happy mowen my friend.

This is the windsheild mount and the bracen/grabhandle welded in. Also I forked the windsheild tab to allow me to weld it in the but to also let the winsheild slide on the bolt in a roll over. You will also notice that the bracen/grab handle is made from the stock spreader. Ohh baby saven money...

For more strength in the 5pt bar I add some bracen bar. Yes they go from the bar upto the roll bar. Alot of people have stated that I will hit my head on them, and yes I will so padden was put on them. I did the bar that way becasue when you roll you go over thus the belt will move up, and with the bracen bars mounted under the bar it would not be as strong as above. Makes sence to me... You will also notice the tabs off the stock spreader that mounted into the targa bar are welded in, to be used for the 5pts.

Here is a picture of the test fit right before the painten of the cage. You might also notice that I have welded in a cb mount.

Here is the cage painted and padded ready to go in.

The cage is done and in. Here is a side picture. And best off the half doors fit and look great. Thanks Rockrat.

Here it is from the back.

Here is the cb on it new mount. I am glad to have my cb as high as possible, cause I have put to much money into the thing to get it wet. (Just to let ya know my father was a truck driver, and he gave me this in his will. It has to side bands, two different amps settings, runs a linear, and has revirb and voice back.)

Here is the overdash bar. Yes it is not straight. I wanted it as close to the passenger side of the dash as possible. But it is only seen by me, I mean no one else has noticed it. also the guy in the picture is my uncle. He is more like a friend than an uncle and always comes in for the "Do it this way".

And here is MONZUKI sitting in the garage after the cage install.


Now for some pictures of MONZUKI all decked out with some great cage pics.