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monique personal info

hey! ok, here's my personal info; I have just recently moved back here to pensacola from atlanta to go back to school, I will probably major in special education at uwf in the fall. I am 35 and have a daughter (totally cute) who will be 3 in august. I am currently living with my parents (ugh!), but at least it's on the beach (yay!). I have a one-eyed sharpei-lab mix dog (also totally cute), and I'm pretty sure the dog, baby, and parents are conspiring to drive me completely insane before I finish college. Each day that passes that I don't commit a homocide is a GOOD DAY!!!!!!! no, really, we are a pretty friendly family, I do miss atlanta and my friends there a lot though...... I apologize for the rudimentary nature and layout of my website(s), I am not in love with the computer and probably never will be, but am amazed at what I have learned and still learn every day about getting around on it!

My Favorite things about Angelfire.

monique's links

monique's website
monique's resume