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Hi and Welcome to my Homepage. I created this site for a couple of reasons. To put the stories that me and my friends made up on it and to transfer files from home to school. I'm experimenting with the animated gifs right now and they seem to be working out pretty well. They kind of make a web page go from boring to cool. If you get a chance please take the time to sign my Guest Book (Message Board) and tell me what you think of my site.

Links (inside my site)


Downloadable Songs I Have.

D.C. Pics

My Washington D.C. Pictures


My Multimedia Page (Has Pictures)


Stories Page (Includes Star Trek and Real Life)

Message Board

Post a Message!!!

My Car

Pics of My Car


My Xanga Page

Links (outside my site)

Multimedia Student Webpages

Pages Multimedia Students Made

Digital Blasphemy

This Guy Makes Really Awsome Wallpapers (Check it Out)

Firestix Site

This is my Sister's Softball Team's Website. (I made it too)

Brittney's Website

This is my friend Brittney's Site. Be sure to Check it Out.


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