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About Me

[Picture of Me]

There's not too much to tell. I was born a long, long, time ago in a county far, far away...

Actually, the latter part's not true, and maybe I wasn't born all that long ago!

Music plays a large part in my life (as well as my wife and 19-year old son David). I can trace my musical roots back to when at school and I sat next to a classmate who later became a well-known and highly respected jazz musician in the UK, he even toured with the late, great, Stephane Grappelli.

One day in 1971 after school, he played me some music he had on reel-to-reel, the like of which I'd never heard before. It was Jimi Hendrix. He told me that Jimi had died the previous year, but I could probably still get the single that was released after his death (actually it was Jimi's only UK number one hit, and it was an EP: Voodoo Child (Slight Return)/Hey Joe/All Along the Watchtower).

I ordered the single (it cost 6/- for those who know what the symbols mean!) and I never looked back. I got a guitar next birthday and tried to play like Jimi but, well, you know, it was kind of hard! But I get by.

Anyway, I joined a band briefly in 1976 and was always jamming.

I then started a career in computer programming and also started studying for a degree with The Open University. I eventually got my degree.

My musical interests broadened to encompass all styles. If I had to name my two musical heroes I'd have to say Beethoven and Hendrix. My taste includes most music between those styles.

This site reflects my love of music, Jimi and computer programming. I hope you enjoy it!

Last modified: Mon Dec 31 15:51:00 [+0000] 2007

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