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Hello, Welcome to my website

Most people online know me as BiggBaddWolf, my real name is Lonnie, I live in a small town in southwestern Missouri.

Also most people know that I am married "to the most wonderful person in the world", her name is Paula. We were married on February 14th, 2003. We met in October of 2002, and the rest, as they say is history! We actually met online through a program called matchdoctor. And while most online relationships are very hard, because there is usually great distances involved, as luck would have it we were only 10 miles apart!!!!

I am confined to a wheelchair due to spina bifida, also I am diabetic "TYPE 2" Paula is also diabetic, so we both understand what each other is going through. Sometimes I wonder how she puts up with me, but I am glad she does. I wouldn't know what to do without her

Anyway, some of my hobbies include, the computer, and some sports, mainly baseball, NASCAR, and football. I am also a musician, I play lead guitar, and have played in several different bands, and of course my favorite hobby is just spending time with my wife!!

I am just getting this site up and going so ENJOY!

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