Longview Horse Park Presents...
Happy Trails To You!
Saturday and Sunday, October 15 and 16, 2005
Benefit Trail Ride

Happy Trails Trail Ride is all set up for 2005!

The cost for the ride is $60. Non rider cost is $20 and that's to cover the meals. If you want stalls (optional), they cost $40. If you want to ride and have a stall, the cost is $100.

The $60 for the trail ride includes meals and entertainment. You can't beat this price. We'll be offering 3 meals on Saturday which includes the Saturday Nite hearty dinner! The $60 also includes Sunday AM breakfast.


Friday Check in is anytime after 2:00pm. Get your horse settled in, set up camp and have an afternoon ride on your own! Saturday Events: Check in continues Saturday AM. During registration, coffee and donuts will be provided to get you going. We will introduce you to everyone, hand out trail maps and discuss it and the trail details. The first ride will depart around 10:00am.

We'll return around noon for our Great Lunch which is provided..

Saturday afternoon, we're back on the trails again, going through forests, along the lake and through the meadows of the vast (500 acres) historic Longview Horse Park.

On Saturday evening, a Hearty Dinner will be provided along with musical entertainment!

Sunday Events: An early Hot Breakfast will be provided along with "Horse Church" with Lucy Rangel and More Trail Riding!

***REGISTRATION LIMITED to the first 75 riders****

Please reserve your spot early!!!

Complete the Information below and mail it along with your payment no later than October 8th to: Sara Ring* P.O. Box 171, Greenwood, Missouri 64034.

Name__________________________________ Phone ___________________________
Address________________________________ City_____________________________
State___ Zip Code_______
"Make check payable to LVHP"

Also provide the number of riders, non-riders, stalls, etc.

_______$60/rider _____$20 non-rider______$40 stalls
_____$5.00 electricity
TOTAL _________________

ATTENTION: No Dogs No Stallions
Current Coggins Required

If you do rent stalls, we ask that you clean them out when done. We have to pay the county money for each stall that they have to clean out and we would rather keep the money to use to improve the park!

For more information, call Barb Martin at 816-507-8717 or email barbmartin1003@aol.com

www.longviewhorsepark.com Pictures and Happenings at Happy Trails 2003!.

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