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*LisaChelle's Page*

Hey people! Welcome my crazy page! Anyways lets cut to the chase, shall we? First of all, for those of you who haven't figured out my name by now its Lisa Chelle! *Most call me Leeca* Secondly, I'd like to give a big shout out to the person who was so kind enough to put me on this Earth, my Mom! *Hey Mom, I love you!* Ok, umm, anyways I am 16 years old. You'll see me drivin my Hunter Green '98 Mazda Protege. (It's a piece of shit!!) Its gotta big ass dent on the back driver side door. (I'm plannin on gettin that fixed though!)I live right outside the HUGE city of Kennett, Missouri. I am a sophomore at Delta C-7 in Deering! *Go Chargers!* I am a carhop at Sonic in Kennett. When you get a free minute come up there and holla at me! Anyways, that's all I know to tell ya for now cause I'm just outta shit for this page for now. So looks like if ya wanna see more you'll just have to come back later! *sMiLe* LaTuH!
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